Issue - meetings

Financial resilience review and Improvement Plan

Meeting: 25/09/2018 - Cabinet (Item 148)

148 Finance Improvement Plan pdf icon PDF 111 KB

The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) reports that the Council is in a difficult financial position – see Annex 1. Without major change, the Council will not have sufficient income or reserves to meet existing spending plans in the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP). To address this the Council needs to improve its financial management arrangements, both within the Finance Service and beyond.


The finance improvement plan (see Annex 2) sets out the specific actions needed to remedy this position, together with the respective delivery responsibilities of Cabinet, Executive Officers on the Council Leadership Team, and the Finance team.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Corporate Overview Select Committee]


Additional documents:




1.    That the key findings of the CIPFA review be noted and commitment to addressing the issues identified was affirmed.         


2.    That the finance improvement plan set out in Annex 2 to the report be approved.


3.    That the tasks, actions and deliverables assigned to the Cabinet in the finance improvement plan and that the Leader would initially lead on finance was agreed.

Reason for Decisions:


To remedy the financial position the Council faced would require the commitment of Members and officers to make difficult decisions on where savings could be made. Supporting the finance improvement plan would demonstrate that the Council had the collective drive to resolve the financial difficulties outlined in the CIPFA review.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Corporate Overview Select Committee]



The Leader of the Council introduced the financial improvement plan report which described how the Leader and Chief Executive had commissioned the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) to undertake a review of the Council’s finances and finance function. CIPFA were asked for an honest, independent challenge and their report had been published as a duty to inform residents. 


The CIPFA review made for serious reading and the need for some unpalatable conversations about whether services could be provided.  He went on to say that the improvement plan was solid and would be worked on and monitored for the next few years.  The Leader was to lead on finance for the time being with a view to handing over to a Cabinet Member in the future.


The Cabinet Lead Member for People spoke of the stark, painful messages of the review and the need for transparency.  He also spoke of the 18 streams of work detailed in the transformation programme and the importance of accurate information to get it right.  He went on to say that every Member of the Council and the select committees had a role to scrutinise the plan and that he believed the right structure was in place and the Chief Executive had the resources to deliver the plan.


The Cabinet Lead Member for  Place spoke of how the journey for the next two to three years was going to be difficult and that all officers and members needed to get the message across that difficult decisions would need to be taken in order to finish in a better place.


Cabinet expressed their thanks to the Chief Executive and to CIPFA for an open, honest review.




1.    That the key findings of the CIPFA review be noted and commitment to addressing the issues identified was affirmed.         


2.    That the finance improvement plan set out in Annex 2 to the report be approved.


3.    That the tasks, actions and deliverables assigned to the Cabinet in the finance improvement plan and that the Leader would initially lead on finance was agreed.

Reason for Decisions:


To remedy the financial position the Council faced would require the commitment of Members and officers to make difficult decisions on where savings could be made. Supporting the finance improvement plan would demonstrate that the Council had the collective drive and will to resolve the financial difficulties outlined in the CIPFA review.