Issue - meetings


Meeting: 19/09/2018 - Guildford Joint Committee (Item 13)


This report provides an update on the 2018/19 programme of highway improvement and maintenance works funded by this committee, an update on other centrally funded projects being promoted in the local area, as well as details of the budgets allocated to the committee in 2018/19 and recommendations on expenditure of the same. It also includes a proposal to reduce the speed limit on the A320 Woking Road/Guildford Road to improve road safety.

Additional documents:


The Guildford Joint Committee agreed:


(i)    To note the committee approved list of works being progressed during 2018/19 as identified in Annex 1 and to ensure that any further allocations from the individual member Highway fund are made by the 31st October 2018.


(ii)  To resolve to reduce the speed limit from the national speed limit to 50mph along the A320 Woking Road section (in Guildford) and to advertise the making of a traffic order as detailed in paragraph 2.3 and shown in Annex 2.




           To enable early progression of works orders. Any funding not allocated by the 1st October 2018 will be prioritised by the Guildford Maintenance Engineer to ensure funding is not lost.


           increase road safety along the A320


Declarations of Interest: None



Officers attending: Frank Apicella, Area Highways Manager



Petitions, Public Questions, Statements: None



Member discussion - key points:


The report provided an update on the 2018/19 programme of highway improvement and maintenance works funded by the committee, an update on other centrally funded projects being promoted in the local area, as well as details of the budgets allocated to the committee in 2018/19 and recommendations on expenditure of the same. It also included a proposal to reduce the speed limit on the A320 Woking Road/Guildford Road to improve road safety.


The Area Highways Manager updated Members that in paragraph 2.6.1of the report the Onslow Street / Bridge Street construction of the road tables for this improved pedestrian crossing point scheme would now start on 2 October.  Works on Farnham Road Rail Bridge would be carried out during Christmas 2018 and Christmas 2019 when Network Rail have track possession.


The officer also updated that the North Street resurfacing and safety scheme is still programmed for qtr 4 between December and March 2018/19.


It was commented that the reason for non-compliance of the current 60mph along the A320 Woking Road section was thought to be due to confusion about the ‘national speed limit applies sign’.


Members requested that the date in recommendation (i) be changed from 1 Oct to 31 Oct following the SCC Leader’s decision to change the deadline for the individual member Highway fund. The Committee were in agreement with this proposal.



The Guildford Joint Committee agreed:


(i)    To note the committee approved list of works being progressed during 2018/19 as identified in Annex 1 and to ensure that any further allocations from the individual member Highway fund are made by the 31st October 2018.


(ii)  To resolve to reduce the speed limit from the national speed limit to 50mph along the A320 Woking Road section (in Guildford) and to advertise the making of a traffic order as detailed in paragraph 2.3 and shown in Annex 2.




           To enable early progression of works orders. Any funding not allocated by the 1st October 2018 will be prioritised by the Guildford Maintenance Engineer to ensure funding is not lost.


           increase road safety along the A320