209 Approval to Award a Contract for the Provision of Young People Substance Misuse Service PDF 201 KB
This report sets out recommendations arising from work on options for the provision of Surrey’s Young People’s Substance Misuse Service and outlines a competitive tender process which was carried out in order to select a supplier to deliver the service.
N.B. There is a Part 2 Annex at Item 19.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Health Integration & Commissioning Select Committee]
Additional documents:
That the award of contract for the provision of Surrey’s Young People’s Substance Misuse Service to Catch 22 be approved. The contract will be for a period of three years from 1 April 2019, with an option to extend for a further three years in one year intervals.
Reasons for decision:
The existing contract will expire on 31 March 2019. A competitive tender process, in compliance with the requirements of Public Contract Regulations and Procurement Standing Orders, had been completed. The recommended suppliers offered overall best value for money in the procurement process.
The Council’s statutory responsibilities for public health services were set out in the Health and Social Care Act 2012 in which the provision of substance misuse services was mandated. This service had been funded via the ring-fenced Public Health Grant and supported the Council’s duty to improve public health and provide facilities for the prevention or treatment of illness.
The award of this contract would enable uninterrupted provision of the service and would contribute towards the Council’s Vision for Surrey in 2030 by supporting young people to have a positive start in life and addressing issues affected by their substance misuse as early as possible, in order for them to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.
Each of Surrey’s ambitions for people are supported within this contract:
· children and young people are safe and feel safe and confident;
· everyone benefits from education, skills and employment opportunities that help them succeed in life;
· everyone lives healthy, active and fulfilling lives, and makes good choices about their wellbeing;
· everyone gets the health and social care support and information they need at the right time and place; and
· communities are welcoming and supportive, especially of those most in need, and people feel able to contribute to community life
In addition, this service would fulfil key priorities within Surrey’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy, including:
· improving children’s health and wellbeing
· developing a preventative approach
· promoting emotional wellbeing and mental health
· safeguarding the population
This service would generate a number of benefits for Surrey’s residents by supporting the Early Help and Family Resilience models, resulting in anticipated financial savings for Surrey. Based on Public Health England’s Return on Investment Tool in which ‘for every £1 spent on young people’s drug and alcohol interventions brings a [cost avoidance] benefit of £1.93 within two years and up to £8.38 in the long term’, there could be cost avoidance savings made of approximately £3.7million in the long term and £211,392 in Social Value.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Health, Integration & Commissioning Select Committee]
The Leader of the Council introduced this report and highlighted that the new contract would support 120 more people and the age range had been extended from 21 to 25 years of age. The contract would also provide evidence based interventions and accessibility to the service would be improved.
There was some discussion about the use of and the carrying of illegal drugs. County Lines, a project including the Metropolitan Police, had performed an operation at Woking Station and the numbers either carrying or found with traces of drugs was shocking. The Leader explained that the Health & Wellbeing Board were looking at health priorities for the next 10 years and that alcohol/substance misuse was one of them.
That the award of contract for the provision of Surrey’s Young People’s Substance Misuse Service to Catch 22 be approved. The contract will be for a period of three years from 1 April 2019, with an option to extend for a further three years in one year intervals.
Reasons for decision:
The existing contract will expire on 31 March 2019. A competitive tender process, in compliance with the requirements of Public Contract Regulations and Procurement Standing Orders, had been completed. The recommended suppliers offered overall best value for money in the procurement process.
The Council’s statutory responsibilities for public health services were set out in the Health and Social Care Act 2012 in which the provision of substance misuse services was mandated. This service had been funded via the ring-fenced Public Health Grant and supported the Council’s duty to improve public health and provide facilities for the prevention or treatment of illness.
The award of this contract would enable uninterrupted provision of the service and would contribute towards the Council’s Vision for Surrey in 2030 by supporting young people to have a positive start in life and addressing issues affected by their substance misuse as early as possible in order for them to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.
Each of Surrey’s ambitions for people are supported within this contract:
· children and young people are safe and feel safe and confident;
· everyone benefits from education, skills and employment opportunities that help them succeed in life;
· everyone lives healthy, active and fulfilling lives, and makes good choices about their wellbeing;
· everyone gets the health and social care support and information they need at the right time and place; and
· communities are welcoming and supportive, especially of those most in need, and people feel able to contribute to community life
In addition, this service would fulfil key priorities within Surrey’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy, including:
· improving children’s health and wellbeing;
· developing a preventative approach;
· promoting emotional wellbeing and mental health; and
· safeguarding the population
This service would generate a number of benefits for Surrey’s residents by supporting the Early Help and Family Resilience models, resulting in anticipated financial savings for Surrey. Based on Public Health England’s Return on Investment Tool in which ‘for every £1 spent on young people’s drug and alcohol interventions brings a ... view the full minutes text for item 209