Issue - meetings

Children's Improvement Plan

Meeting: 18/12/2018 - Cabinet (Item 207)

207 Children's Improvement Plan pdf icon PDF 115 KB

Following the re-inspection of children’s services earlier this year, a new Children’s Improvement Plan has been developed outlining the work we are, and will be, undertaking over the coming months and years. The plan has been developed by a multi-agency group of practitioners and leaders, and focusses on the recommended improvements reported by Ofsted in May 2018.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Children & Education Select Committee]


Additional documents:




1.    That the significant improvement required across children’s services in Surrey was acknowledged and the delivery of improvement work wherever it was needed fully supported.

2.    That the development of the Children’s Improvement Plan, in response to the 2018 inspection of children’s services was noted and the governance arrangements that have been put in place to oversee its delivery endorsed.

3.    That the progress made on the delivery of the Children’s Improvement Plan be reviewed by Cabinet prior to the Commissioner visit. The Commissioner will visit Surrey and reviewing progress in April 2019 – an update to Cabinet will follow this visit and publication of the Commissioner’s report to the Secretary of State.

4.    That Children’s Services performance data be shared with the Children and Education Select Committee.

Reason for decision:


The Children’s Improvement Plan outlined the work needed in key operational areas that were reviewed during statutory inspections from Ofsted. Improving practice in these areas was essential to ensure the needs of children and families in Surrey were being met with the right services being provided in the right way and at the right time.


The Department for Education (DfE) appointed Children’s Commissioner would review progress and report to the Secretary of State in April 2019. 


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Children & Education Select Committee]



The Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Families introduced the Children’s Improvement Plan and explained how the plan aligned with the Council’s Vision that ‘no one is left behind’ and how every child matters. She explained that a solid plan was in place and had been agreed by the Children’s Services Commissioner. She also explained some of the work that had taken place since the appointment of the Executive Director for Children, Families & Learning including changes to governance arrangements and the consultations taking place. The Ofsted Priority Board had an independent chairman that brought rigor to the Board. It was also smaller with key, high level membership. She also stressed that to ensure delivery of the plan openness, honesty and partnership working were essential.


There was some discussion about the timings of reports and Cabinet requested a report prior to the Commissioner’s visit expected in April 2019.  Thanks were extended to staff for the work undertaken.




  1. That the significant improvement required across children’s services in Surrey was acknowledged and the delivery of improvement work wherever it was needed fully supported.
  2. That the development of the Children’s Improvement Plan, in response to the 2018 inspection of Children’s Services was noted and the governance arrangements that have been put in place to oversee its delivery endorsed.
  3. That the progress made on the delivery of the Children’s Improvement Plan be reviewed by Cabinet prior to the Commissioner’s visit. The Commissioner will visit Surrey and review progress in April 2019 – an update to Cabinet will follow this visit and publication of the Commissioner’s report to the Secretary of State.
  4. That Children’s Services performance data be shared with the Children and Education Select Committee.

Reason for decision:


The Children’s Improvement Plan outlined the work needed in key operational areas that were reviewed during statutory inspections from Ofsted. Improving practice in these areas was essential to ensure the needs of children and families in Surrey were being met with the right services being provided in the right way and at the right time.


The Department for Education (DfE) appointed Children’s Commissioner would review progress and report to the Secretary of State in April 2019.