Issue - meetings


Meeting: 12/12/2018 - Mole Valley Local Committee (Item 41)


The A25 route between Guildford and Dorking has suffered a number of collisions including a number resulting in death or serious injury. It is proposed that the existing 50 mph speed limit on the A25 between Abinger Hammer and Wotton is reduced to 40 mph in order to reduce the risk and severity of collisions on this stretch of the road.


Additional documents:


The Local Committee (Mole Valley) AGREED to:


(i) Note the results of the speed limit assessment undertaken;


(ii) Agree that, based upon the evidence, the speed limit be reduced from 50mph to 40mph in the section of Guildford Road between the existing 40mph speed limit terminal signs at a point 34m west from the centreline with Wotton Drive and a point 50m east of the centreline with Raikes Lane, in accordance with the current policy;


(iii) Authorise the advertisement of a notice in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to implement the proposed speed limit change, revoke any existing traffic orders necessary to implement the change, and, subject to no objections being upheld, that the order be made;


(iv) Authorise delegation of authority to the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice-Chairman of the Local Committee and the local divisional member to resolve any objections received in connection with the proposal.


Reasons for decision


A reduced speed limit would reduce traffic speeds and reduced risk and severity of

collisions on this road where there has been a history of collisions including death

and serious injury.


Declarations of interest: None


Officers present: Duncan Knox, Road Safety & Active Travel Team Manager


The Road Safety and Active Travel Team Manager introduced the report. He noted there was a history of collisions in this area that officers wish to address. The proposals have the support of Surrey Police, and are in line with the county council’s Setting Local Speed Limits policy.


Member discussion – key points:


·         The divisional member for Dorking Hills welcomed the proposal to help make the road safer. Some of the junctions have poor sight lines, and it will be more consistent with the speed limits either side. She would also like to see the speed limit on Abinger Lane through Abinger Common reduced. It is currently national speed limit but goes through a small village and urgently needs a reduced speed limit. 




The Local Committee (Mole Valley) AGREED to:


(i) Note the results of the speed limit assessment undertaken;


(ii) Agree that, based upon the evidence, the speed limit be reduced from 50mph to 40mph in the section of Guildford Road between the existing 40mph speed limit terminal signs at a point 34m west from the centreline with Wotton Drive and a point 50m east of the centreline with Raikes Lane, in accordance with the current policy;


(iii) Authorise the advertisement of a notice in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to implement the proposed speed limit change, revoke any existing traffic orders necessary to implement the change, and, subject to no objections being upheld, that the order be made;


(iv) Authorise delegation of authority to the Area Highway Manager in consultation with the Chairman, Vice-Chairman of the Local Committee and the local divisional member to resolve any objections received in connection with the proposal.


Reasons for decision


A reduced speed limit would reduce traffic speeds and reduced risk and severity of collisions on this road where there has been a history of collisions including death

and serious injury.