Issue - meetings


Meeting: 29/01/2019 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Petitions pdf icon PDF 62 KB

The deadline for petitions was 14 days before the meeting, and 9 petitions have been received.  Six of these are in relation to Community Recycling Centres and three are regarding Children’s Centres.


Additional documents:


There were nine petitions submitted.  Three of these concerned children’s centres and six concerning community recycling centres. Details and responses to the petitions are attached as annex C.


There were nine petitions submitted.  Three of these concerned children’s centres and six concerning community recycling centres. Details and responses to the petitions are attached as annex C.


Mr George Potter presented the petition is support of Boxgrove Children’s Centre and made the following points:

·         That Boxgrove Children’s Centre was a vital resource

·         That if it closed residents would have to take two buses or a one hour journey to the nearest hub

·         If it closed it would be social workers and teachers having to pick up the pieces

·         That the number signing the petition was larger that the Conservative majority at the last election.


Ms Hannah Nicholson presented the petition in support of Cranleigh Community Recycling Centre and made the following points:

·         Recycling rates had reduced

·         There had been increases in fines, fly-tipping and litter

·         There was increased build-up of waste in gardens which led to vermin

·         Hundreds of new homes were built in Cranleigh which increased waste

·         There would be a 20 mile round trip to the nearest centre if Cranleigh closed

·         She understood the need to save money but not at the expense of the environment and stated that residents would rather pay a small fee to use the current site


Hazel Watson presented the petition in support of Dorking Community Recycling Centre and made the following points:

·         Further signatories to the petition were tabled

·         Highlighted the impact on drive times if the centre closed and that it would be 20 to 30 minutes more to drive to the next nearest centre

·         The Leatherhead centre suffered massive queues and there was reduced opening times at other centres

·         Requested to keep the Dorking centre open for at least three days per week, if not seven.


Mr Charles Lister presented the petition in support of Warlingham Community Recycling Centre and made the following points:

·         He was pleased that the Council were going to review the options

·         He described the anger felt by residents over the initial proposed closure

·         Warlingham was the smallest site in Surrey and it averaged one use every two minutes it was open

·         Caterham site was not big enough to cope with extra users

·         There needed to be a better solution to recycling and that kerbside collections did not compensate.


Ms Sylvia Whyte presented the petition in support of Lyne Community Recycling Centre and made the following points:

·         She was happy that the centre was going to stay open

·         Additional signatories to the petition were tabled

·         She spoke of increased fly-tipping and 100’s of new homes being built

·         The A320 was saturated and spoke of journeys to alternative sites

·         Closure would mean more burning of waste in back gardens


Daniel Gee presented the petition in support of Farnham Community Recycling Centre and made the following points:

·         He spoke of another online petition that was not presented to Cabinet

·         He spoke of the need to relocate the Farnham site so this position was not replicated in the future.
