Issue - meetings

Surrey County Council preparations for Exiting the European Union (Brexit)

Meeting: 26/02/2019 - Cabinet (Item 27)

27 Surrey County Council preparations for Exiting the European Union (Brexit) pdf icon PDF 118 KB

This report updates Cabinet on the ongoing work Surrey County Council is undertaking to prepare for all eventualities of Brexit. The Council’s preparations aim to mitigate any potential implications for the county – particularly in the immediate and short term – supporting residents, communities and organisations. The report details the work that has taken place by the Council and for the county; the key implications that have been identified for the Council and the county; and how the Council will aim to mitigate any impacts.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Corporate Overview Select Committee]


Additional documents:




That the current position of the council’s preparations, including the plans and preparations that were expected to be implemented by Friday 29 March 2019 (expected date for Britain’s formal withdrawal from the European Union) was endorsed.


Reason for Decision:


Brexit carries a number of potential possibilities and implications for the county. Surrey County Council has a responsibility to prepare for all eventualities, particularly those which pose negative implications for residents, communities and organisations. The council’s ongoing work outlines how it will ensure the necessary plans and preparations are in place to mitigate any potential immediate and short term implications and provide support and assurance where possible.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Corporate Overview Select Committee]



The Deputy Leader presented an update report on the ongoing work the Council was undertaking to prepare for all eventualities of Brexit. The council’s preparations aimed to mitigate any potential implications for the county – particularly in the immediate and short term – and support residents, communities and organisations. Using the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government preparedness checklist as a framework, the report detailed the work that has been undertaken by the Council. It also showed the partnership work that had taken place with central government, neighbouring counties, boroughs and districts, health partners, local enterprise partnerships and the chamber of commerce.  A further update would be provided in March or April depending on the outcome of Brexit.




That the current position of the council’s preparations, including the plans and preparations that were expected to be implemented by Friday 29 March 2019 (expected date for Britain’s formal withdrawal from the European Union) was endorsed.


Reason for Decision:


Brexit carries a number of potential possibilities and implications for the county. Surrey County Council has a responsibility to prepare for all eventualities, particularly those which pose negative implications for residents, communities and organisations. The council’s ongoing work outlines how it will ensure the necessary plans and preparations are in place to mitigate any potential immediate and short term implications and provide support and assurance where possible.