Issue - meetings


Meeting: 11/02/2019 - People, Performance and Development Committee (Item 8)

Surrey Pay 2019/20

To seek the Committee’s approval to a number of key changes to Surrey staff pay with effect from 1 April 2019. 


This report is being brought to People, Performance and Development Committee under its delegated powers in accordance with Section 2, para 6.13 (a) of the Constitution:


“determine policy on pay, terms and conditions of employment of all staff”.


Additional documents:


Declarations of interest:






Jackie Foglietta, Director of HR

Paul Smith, Interim HR Consultant


Key points raised during the discussion:


1.     Members of the Committee were informed that following the November meeting of the People, Performance and Development Committee negotiations took place with the Trade Unions on changes to Surrey Pay for 2019/20 alongside consultation with staff and through the Schools Forum for school based staff.

2.     Trade Unions balloted in January 2019 and it was confirmed that the proposed pay offer was the best deal that could be hoped for in the circumstances and as a result the pay offer was accepted by collective agreement.

3.     Members noted that there would be changes to professional subscriptions and that travel expenses and relocation would be looked at again in line with the proposed move of County Hall.

4.     A discussion around the number of full time equivalent staff employed by the Council was held and it was agreed that further information on this would be provided to Members of the Committee.

5.     Members queried the situation with pay for schools staff and noted that this would now be aligned with non-schools pay.

6.     The Committee were pleased to note that the proposals had been agreed with the Trade Unions as this had not been the case in the past.


Actions/ further information to be provided:


The Director of HR to provide further information on the number of full time equivalents employed by the Council to Members of the People, Performance and Development Committee (A4/19).




It was agreed that the following changes be effective from 1 April 2019:


  1. the pay points be implemented within existing pay grades as set out in the submitted report;


ii.      that staff progress through the pay points until the maximum is reached with the option of withholding pay progression in cases where a manager is dealing with issues concerning an employee’s performance;


  1. that staff are assimilated from their current pay to the nearest pay point with an increase in pay for all staff;


  1. that Leadership pay be frozen until 1 April 2020;


  1. the changes to local pay and terms and conditions elements as set out in the submitted report;


  1. that the above changes be effected by a collective agreement with the Trade Unions.


Following the conclusion of this item the Chairman moved the meeting back into public to consider item 6.