64 Asset and Place Strategy PDF 228 KB
The Council commissioned a review to be undertaken of the Council’s own assets and how they are used in order to develop a new Asset and Place Strategy and Delivery Plan. The focus of this review was widened to include a review of current projects to add pace to delivery, and the development of the property related elements of the relocation of County Hall. This report outlines how the review was undertaken, its findings and the recommendations. It also sets out a strategy for approval that will provide a framework for decision making about the use of assets in the future, together with a proposed action plan.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Corporate Overview Select Committee]
Additional documents:
1. That the Advisory Panel report be noted and thanks extended to the Panel for their work on this project;
2. That the Asset and Place strategy be approved.
3. That the Action Plan be agreed.
That where the Council builds new homes, and where
viability allows, it is committed to ensuring that all schemes meet
the affordable housing requirement from the district or borough
planning authority be agreed.
Reason for Decision:
The recommendations drive pace and delivery of property projects to deliver revenue income to support service delivery for residents and provision of flexible workspaces that support staff for the future.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Corporate Overview Select Committee]
The Leader of the Council spoke about the various elements described in the report regarding utilising the council’s building more efficiently, setting up a ‘civic heart’ within Surrey’s borders as well as seeking a long term use for County Hall. The Council had appointed an Advisory Panel to act as a critical friend and the Leader thanked them for their work. In undertaking this work, a key output had been to build upon the existing relationships with partners. Services would be consolidated into 100 of the 300 existing council buildings which would provide hubs for both council and partners. Surplus assets would be used to provide additional income for services.
The Leader went on to report that he had received suggestions from the Highways and Growth Select Committee which would be picked up going forward as part of a wider review of the Councils investment strategy.
A few members spoke in support of the proposals which were clear, gave accountability and increased partnership working as well as being good for residents.
Lastly the Leader extended thanks to officers, Mrs Bramhall and the Advisory Panel for their work.
1. That the Advisory Panel report be noted and thanks extended to the Panel for their work on this project;
2. That the Asset and Place strategy be approved.
3. That the Action Plan be agreed.
4. That where the Council builds new homes, and where viability allows, the principle that it is committed to ensuring that all schemes meet the affordable housing requirement from the district or borough planning authority be agreed.
The decision was unanimous.
Reason for Decision:
The recommendations drive pace and delivery of property projects to deliver revenue income to support service delivery for residents and provision of flexible workspaces that support staff for the future.