67 Surrey County Council Advertising and Sponsorship Policy PDF 68 KB
In order to be able to progress additional income opportunities arising from sponsorship and advertising the County Council needs to implement a new policy. The proposed policy provides guidance to ensure that appropriate measures are in place to facilitate these opportunities in accordance with the county council’s priorities.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Highways & Growth Select Committee]
Additional documents:
1. That the proposed advertising and sponsorship policy be agreed.
2. That a number of trial advertising projects are progressed across the county on Surrey County Council infrastructure to assess the potential future opportunities be noted.
3. That authority be delegated to the Head of Highways & Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highways to make any future changes to the policy be agreed.
Reason for Decision:
Several departments across the council are currently exploring advertising opportunities as a means to generate income to help support the delivery of frontline services. Progression of these opportunities should follow an agreed council policy to ensure that appropriate consideration is given to each opportunity and that a consistent approach is applied across the council.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Highways & Growth Select Committee]
The Cabinet Member for Highways introduced this report and explained that advertising and sponsorship opportunities had been utilised by numerous Local Authority bodies as a means to promote their own campaigns/messages and to generate income that can be reinvested in services, such as Transport for London. This included traditional poster based advertising as well as utilising newer technologies such as digital displays. Currently the Council’s advertising and sponsorship activity was limited to bus shelter advertising and roundabout sponsorship. Subject to implementation of the policy, trial projects were planned at Community Recycling Centre sites and on assets/land adjacent to or on the Highway.
In response to a Member comment regarding public concern about the countryside the Cabinet Member for Highways confirmed that this policy would mean that advertising would only take place at acceptable locations.
Several Members expressed support for the proposal.
1. That the proposed advertising and sponsorship policy be agreed.
2. That a number of trial advertising projects be progressed across the county on Surrey County Council infrastructure to assess the potential future opportunities.
3. That authority be delegated to the Head of Highways & Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highways to make any future changes to the policy.
The decision was unanimous.
Reason for Decision:
Several departments across the council are currently exploring advertising opportunities as a means to generate income to help support the delivery of frontline services. Progression of these opportunities should follow an agreed council policy to ensure that appropriate consideration is given to each opportunity and that a consistent approach is applied across the council.