This report seeks approval to publish a Notice of Intention to make a Traffic Regulation Order (“TRO”) for Byway Open To All Traffic No. 137 (Effingham) and (Wotton) also known as Drove Road, prohibiting vehicles exceeding 7ft in width.
Additional documents:
Debbie Prismall, Senior Countryside Access Officer
Joanne Porter, Countryside Access Assistant
Key points raised during the discussion:
The Planning & Regulatory Committee APPROVE the publication of a Notice of Intention to make a TrafficRegulation Order prohibiting vehicles exceeding 7ft in width, with a barrier and a gap at points A (grid ref. 511436 149706), B (grid ref. 511453 149709) and C(grid ref. 512013 149984) as shown on Drawing. No. 3/1/58/H18.