Issue - meetings

Support for national Magna Carta 800th Anniversary Celebrations

Meeting: 27/11/2012 - Cabinet (Item 159)

Communities Select Committee Call-in - Magna Carta 800th Anniversary Celebrations

The Communities Select Committee met on 14 November 2012 to consider a call-in of the Cabinet’s decision of 23 October 2012 relating to the 800th anniversary celebrations for the sealing of the Magna Carta. The Select Committee agreed that the decision on this matter should be referred back to the next Cabinet with a request that it reconsider the proposed financial contribution towards a Magna Carta Visitor Centre. Further details of the grounds for referring the decision back to Cabinet will be circulated prior to the meeting.


It is recommended that the Cabinet consider the Select Committee’s views and consider whether to confirm its original decision of 23 October 2012.

Additional documents:


Confirmed the decision made at Cabinet on 23 October 2012.


Reasons for Decision


This is an in principle decision, which will be subject to consultation and a robust business case.


The comments of the Communities Select Committee ‘call-in’ meeting, held on 14 November 2012, to review the decision taken by Cabinet on 23 October 2012 to make an in principle decision to fund the Magna Carta Visitor Centre, were tabled.


Mr Cosser, Chairman of the Communities Select Committee was invited to present them. He said that his committee had taken the decision to ‘call-in’ the decision to support the National Magna Carta 800th Anniversary Celebrations because the report considered by Cabinet on 23 October did not contain a detailed business case. In summary, the select committee’s conclusions were: (i) whether or not it was appropriate for Surrey County Council to support making a contribution of £5m towards the funding of a new visitor centre for the Magna Carta celebrations, at a time when there were many pressures on the Council’s budget, and (ii) that a robust business case should be in place before decisions were taken, including consideration of the many risks that surrounded this project.


The Leader of the Council responded by stating that the agenda item and the minutes from the Cabinet’s 23 October 2012 meeting were clear that this was an ‘in principle’ decision.


The Cabinet Member for Community Services and the 2012 Games said that the select committee’s call-in and witnesses input would all form part of the process on whether the County Council would proceed with this decision. She informed Cabinet that she had received a large number of emails from local people which she would also consider. However, Cabinet needed an ‘in principle decision, in order to consider the proposal and investment in this project. It would only proceed, after further work has been undertaken, if she was satisfied that there was a robust business case and Cabinet would receive a further report.


Other Cabinet Members supported the ‘in principle’ decision and hoped that this would be an opportunity to showcase Surrey and celebrate in an appropriate way.


The Leader of the Council thanked everyone for their input and assured Members that further work would be undertaken before a final decision was taken.




That the decision made at Cabinet on 23 October 2012 be confirmed.


Reasons for Decision


This is an in principle decision, which will be subject to consultation and a robust business case.

Meeting: 14/11/2012 - Communities Select Committee (old) (Item 52)


On 23 October, Surrey County Council's Cabinet made a decision in relation to support for the National Magna Carta 800th Anniversary Celebrations. The Communities Select Committee will be meeting to consider the call-in of this decision.

Additional documents:


Declarations of interest: None.




Cllr Hugh Meares, Vice Chair of Corporate Management - Runnymede and one of RBC's representatives on the Magna Carta Committee

Paul Turrel, Chief Executive – Runnymede

Mario Leo, Head of Governance – Runnymede

Sarah Walsh, Project Officer – Runnymede

Andrew Telford, Campaign to Protect Rural England

Nic Durston, National Trust

Mrs Lynne Bates, Lead petitioner

Yvonna Lay, County Councillor Runnymede

Mel Few, County Councillor Runnymede

Helyn Clack, Cabinet Member for Community Services & the 2012 Games

Susie Kemp, Assistant Chief Executive – Surrey County Council

Peter Milton, Head of Cultural Services – Surrey County Council

David Stempfer, Major Schemes Manager – Surrey County Council



Key points raised during the discussion:


1.    The Chairman began by giving a brief explanation of the Call In procedure for the benefit of members of the public who were not familiar with detailed Council processes. 


2.    The Chairman explained that he had submitted the Call In in consultation with the Vice Chairman and that the detail was in the papers that had been published in advance of the meeting.  The Chairman stated that the Call In did not relate to the celebration of the Magna Carta as they fully supported this.  He went on to say that it was in response to concerns expressed by individuals and organisations about:


·         the visitor centre and in particular the business case which it was felt lacked detail; and that


·         the benefits to Surrey more widely had not been clearly stated. 


3.    The meeting was then opened up to the witnesses to speak and put their case.  Runnymede Borough Council were invited to speak first.


4.    It was explained that the main objectives of this project related to creating a legacy for Surrey for many decades to come, improving the local economy, as well as providing increased recreational opportunities. 


5.    The Committee were informed that the creation of the visitor centre would provide a focal point for one of the most important events in English history.  A feasibility study had been commissioned and following a tender evaluation exercise, preferred bidders had been selected.  The Borough was in discussions with the County Council about governance arrangements. 


6.    The Chairman then opened up the meeting for questions from members of the Select Committee. 



The Business Plan, Project Costs and Liability


7.    The robustness of the business plan was questioned by the Committee.  It was noted that the plans had been considered by the Borough Council as a Part 2 confidential item which meant that members of the public were excluded from hearing the business plan proposals.  


8.    The Committee questioned whether the sustainability of the tourism trade in the years following the Magna Carta anniversary had been factored into the business case.   They also questioned who would bear the financial risk if there was a shortfall in projected income from tourism.


9.    Mr Andrew Telford suggested that the County Council had not been made aware that any income generated could not be used  ...  view the full minutes text for item 52

Meeting: 23/10/2012 - Cabinet (Item 145)


To adopt the resolution(s) being proposed by the national Magna Carta 800th Anniversary Organising Committee to all local authorities with a direct involvement/connection with the Magna Carta 800th anniversary in 2015, to support a range of national celebratory activities and to approve in principal a £5m contribution to the funding for a new visitor centre, with £3m of additional match funding being raised externally.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities Select Committee]


1.      That all recommendations in the model resolutions 1-20, which includes the proposal for a National Holiday on 15th June 2015 to celebrate the 800th anniversary, be supported and endorsed.


2.      That a total £5m contribution to the funding for a new visitor centre, with £3m of additional match funding to be raised externally, be approved in principle subject to appropriate project governance and management being put in place, the agreement of which be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Community Services and the 2012 Games in consultation with the Leader of Council and the Assistant Chief Executive.


Reason for Decisions


The sealing of the Magna Carta in Runnymede is a major part of Surrey's heritage and cultural identity and the 800th anniversary will be an occasion of national and international prominence and significance. There will be strategic leadership from the County Council, working with partner organisations and stakeholders from across the County, to ensure that the focus of this celebration is Runnymede. Through the opportunity of the 800th anniversary, this important historic event will be fully promoted and celebrated for the benefit of residents and visitors now and in the future.


[The decisions on this item have been called in by the Communities Select Committee]


The sealing of the Magna Carta in Runnymede is a major part of Surrey's heritage and cultural identity. The 800th anniversary in 2015 will be an occasion of national and international prominence and significance and the County Council, working with partner organisations and stakeholders from across the county, will provide strategic leadership to ensure that the focus of this celebration is Runnymede. The opportunity of the 800th anniversary will be taken to ensure that this important historic event is fully promoted and celebrated for the benefit of residents and visitors both now and in the future.


The Cabinet considered a range of national celebratory activities proposed by the national Magna Carta 800th Anniversary Organising Committee and its support in principal for a £5m contribution to the funding of a new Magna Carta visitor centre proposed by Runnymede Borough Council. £3m of additional match funding would also need to be raised externally for the project. The visitor centre represented a real opportunity to provide a long lasting benefit to the county in terms of tourism, boosting the local economy and raising awareness of the worldwide historical significance of the area.


Cabinet Members noted the petition which had been presented earlier in the meeting and the concerns which had been raised about the potential impact of a new visitor centre. The County Council would support Runnymede Borough Council in looking to ensure that any potential negative impacts on residents and the location are minimised via the design and planning process.




1.      That all recommendations in the model resolutions 1-20, which includes the proposal for a National Holiday on 15th June 2015 to celebrate the 800th anniversary, be supported and endorsed.


2.      That a total £5m contribution to the funding for a new visitor centre, with £3m of additional match funding to be raised externally, be approved in principle subject to appropriate project governance and management being put in place, the agreement of which be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Community Services and the 2012 Games in consultation with the Leader of Council and the Assistant Chief Executive.


Reason for Decisions


The sealing of the Magna Carta in Runnymede is a major part of Surrey's heritage and cultural identity and the 800th anniversary will be an occasion of national and international prominence and significance. There will be strategic leadership from the County Council, working with partner organisations and stakeholders from across the County, to ensure that the focus of this celebration is Runnymede. Through the opportunity of the 800th anniversary, this important historic event will be fully promoted and celebrated for the benefit of residents and visitors now and in the future.