131 Consultation Response to the Transport for the South East Proposal to Government PDF 98 KB
This report sets out the County Councils position and basis for agreement to a draft proposal to Government agreed by the Transport for the South East (TfSE) Shadow Partnership Board in December 2018 setting out the powers that TfSE wishes to acquire should it be offered statutory status in the future.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment & Highways Select Committee]
Additional documents:
1. That the consultation draft of the Proposal to Government (Annex 1 to the submitted report) including the powers and responsibilities requested by Transport for the South East (TfSE) and the proposed governance arrangements with the following amendments to Annex 1 (Table 1) be agreed,
a. Rail - The powers being sought for rail should be for strategic schemes only and the County Council must still be consulted directly on the terms of the franchises and any matters that affect us locally (including infrastructure and service enhancements).
b. Bus Service Provision - The powers being sought for bus service franchising should be in partnership with and with the agreement of the County Council.
2. That authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Community Protection, Transport and Environment in consultation with the Deputy Leader to make any final changes to the TfSE proposal submitted to Government.
Reason for Decision:
The TfSE Proposal to Government is a constructive way for Authorities in the South East Area to exercise a common voice to government through the use of the powers sought in Annex 1.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment & Highways Select Committee]
The Deputy Leader introduced a report that set out the Councils position and basis for agreement to a draft proposal to Government agreed by the Transport for the South East (TfSE) Shadow Partnership Board in December 2018 setting out the powers that TfSE wished to secure should it be offered statutory status in the future.
There was concern expressed about the term ‘franchising’ to which the Deputy Leader explained that TfSE were not looking to take over the running of bus services but were looking at how they could support bus services currently in use and looking across boundaries to deliver better services. TfSE were keen to work in partnership with local authorities.
1. That the consultation draft of the Proposal to Government (Annex 1 to the submitted report) including the powers and responsibilities requested by Transport for the South East (TfSE) and the proposed governance arrangements with the following amendments to Annex 1 (Table 1) be agreed,
a. Rail - The powers being sought for rail should be for strategic schemes only and the County Council must still be consulted directly on the terms of the franchises and any matters that affect us locally (including infrastructure and service enhancements).
b. Bus Service Provision - The powers being sought for bus service franchising should be in partnership with and with the agreement of the County Council.
2. That authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Community Protection, Transport and Environment in consultation with the Deputy Leader to make any final changes to the TfSE proposal submitted to Government.
Reason for Decision:
The TfSE Proposal to Government is a constructive way for Authorities in the South East Area to exercise a common voice to government through the use of the powers sought in Annex 1.
The decision was unanimous.