Issue - meetings

Commissioning of Special Educational Need or Disability placements from Schools and Colleges in the Non Maintained Independent sector

Meeting: 16/07/2019 - Cabinet (Item 121)

121 Commissioning of Special Educational Need or Disability placements from Schools and Colleges in the Non Maintained Independent sector pdf icon PDF 119 KB

This report sets out recommendations arising from work on options for the commissioning arrangements for placement of learners with special education needs in independent, Non Maintained Independent Sector (NMIs), schools and colleges. These placements are currently spot purchased. The proposals in this report do not apply to maintained schools in Surrey.  The report outlines the approach the Council is taking to work regionally with other local authorities to develop more cost effective ways of placing children in specialist placements.


NB: Part 2 Annex at item 23.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Children, Families, Lifelong Learning & Culture Select Committee]


Additional documents:




1.    That Surrey County Council join with West Sussex County Council to implement the Children’s Placements and Other Support Services Dynamic Purchasing System contract for the provision of the placement of day and residential learners in independent schools and colleges from July 2019 until 31st March 2026 was approved.


2.    That providers as listed in the Part 2 annex to the submitted report be awarded a place on the new Dynamic Purchasing System as they have passed the Invitation to Tender (ITT) evaluation process, whilst recognising that further organisations will be able to join throughout the duration of the Dynamic Purchasing System if they pass the ITT.


3.    That authority be delegated to the Director of Education, Lifelong Leaning & Culture to implement the Dynamic Purchasing System and award all contracts, where a mini-competition tender procedure has been followed under the new Dynamic Purchasing System.


Reason for Decision:


Working regionally with West Sussex County Council and using a Dynamic Purchasing System  will achieve the following benefits:


·         By increasing market share, it will enhance Surrey’s position to influence and negotiate; share information around specialist educational. placements; address gaps in support and improve value for money

·         Provide a framework where there is transparency around price and service offer which support value for money commissioning within Surrey’s new Gateway for Resources team. 

·         Support better quality of education and outcomes for children through collaborative contract management and monitoring.

·         Build up cost knowledge of the sector in a joined-up way with other local authorities so that Surrey achieves best value and is charged at a similar rate as neighbouring authorities.

·         Joint working with suppliers to ensure compliance with regulations and laws.

·         A better understanding of suppliers’ processes, which may foster collaboration and working together to reduce costs.

·         Standard templates for contracting thus reducing supplier time working out variances between forms and contracts when placing children.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Children, Families, Lifelong Learning & Culture Select Committee]



The Cabinet Member for All-Age Learning explained the current method of spot purchasing for placements and how this new Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) would increase negotiation, transparency and tailor packages for individuals.  She highlighted the maximum fee for provision that would help control unit costs and work undertaken to ensure providers choose to be part of the framework.


Members discussed lobbying of the new Secretary of State when the new Prime Minister was in place.




1.    That Surrey County Council join with West Sussex County Council to implement the Children’s Placements and Other Support Services Dynamic Purchasing System contract for the provision of the placement of day and residential learners in independent schools and colleges from July 2019 until 31st March 2026 was approved.


2.    That providers as listed in the Part 2 annex to the submitted report be awarded a place on the new Dynamic Purchasing System as they have passed the Invitation to Tender (ITT) evaluation process, whilst recognising that further organisations will be able to join throughout the duration of the Dynamic Purchasing System if they pass the ITT.


3.    That authority be delegated to the Director of Education, Lifelong Leaning & Culture to implement the Dynamic Purchasing System and award all contracts, where a mini-competition tender procedure has been followed under the new Dynamic Purchasing System.


Reason for Decision:


Working regionally with West Sussex County Council and using a Dynamic Purchasing System  will achieve the following benefits:


·         By increasing market share, it will enhance Surrey’s position to influence and negotiate; share information around specialist educational. placements; address gaps in support and improve value for money

·         Provide a framework where there is transparency around price and service offer which support value for money commissioning within Surrey’s new Gateway for Resources team. 

·         Support better quality of education and outcomes for children through collaborative contract management and monitoring.

·         Build up cost knowledge of the sector in a joined-up way with other local authorities so that Surrey achieves best value and is charged at a similar rate as neighbouring authorities.

·         Joint working with suppliers to ensure compliance with regulations and laws.

·         A better understanding of suppliers’ processes, which may foster collaboration and working together to reduce costs.

·         Standard templates for contracting thus reducing supplier time working out variances between forms and contracts when placing children.


The decision was unanimous.