Issue - meetings

Petition for Speed Bumps on Benner Lane

Meeting: 03/10/2019 - Surrey Heath Local Committee (Item 4)


A petition has been received from residents requesting the introduction of speed tables at the northern end of Benner Lane, West End, adjacent to the tennis courts and village hall.


A petition response report has been prepared.


Declarations of Interest:      None

Officers attending:  Andrew Milne, Area Highways Manager, SCC

Petitions, Public Questions, Statements:  Petition response


The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) noted that:


(i)            Benner Lane is included on the Surrey Heath speed management plan and a number of measures have been implemented to help encourage better compliance with the speed limit.

(ii)           Benner Lane has a good safety record and there are currently no proposals to introduce any traffic calming measures.

(iii)          Vehicle speeds and road safety will continue to be monitored in Benner Lane as they are for all sites on the Surrey Heath speed management plan.

Reasons for Decision:

Benner Lane has a good safety record with no personal injury collisions having occurred in the any part of the road in the last 5 years. 



Declarations of Interest:      None

Officers attending:  Andrew Milne, Area Highways Manager, SCC

Petitions, Public Questions, Statements:  Petition response


The petitioner presented the petition and raised the following points:-

·         There are 400 new homes locally, which mean more traffic and more children using the Benner Lane play area

·         Tringham Forest School is held at the A319 end, so speed tables are needed there

·         VAS signs have no effect and physical measures are needed along the whole lane

·         It is not acceptable to wait for someone to be killed before anything is done

·         Could S106 money be used from the developers


The Holy Trinity School caretaker also added that he had seen vehicles mounting and driving along the pavements during peak periods and that there was no school crossing as they could not recruit a crossing patrol (lollipop) person.


The Area Highways Manager reported that as an Authority, SCC does intervene and put measures in place, but this is done on a priority basis.  There are a large number of roads included on the speed management plan covering over 100 sites in Surrey Heath, many of which have an accident history, so have to set a priority system.  It might be possible to use CIL funds from developers to put measures in place, but this decision would need to be made by the Parish Council.


The Committee noted that the Parking Task Group would look at enforcement in the area (school peak times) and would ensure that this was on the visit schedule.


The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) noted that:


(i)            Benner Lane is included on the Surrey Heath speed management plan and a number of measures have been implemented to help encourage better compliance with the speed limit.

(ii)           Benner Lane has a good safety record and there are currently no proposals to introduce any traffic calming measures.

(iii)          Vehicle speeds and road safety will continue to be monitored in Benner Lane as they are for all sites on the Surrey Heath speed management plan.

Reasons for Decision:

Benner Lane has a good safety record with no personal injury collisions having occurred in the any part of the road in the last 5 years.