157 Surrey County Council Response to the Statutory Heathrow Airport Expansion Consultation PDF 106 KB
The statutory consultation on Heathrow Airport’s Preferred Masterplan for the future expansion of the airport ran between 18 June 2019 and 13 September 2019. This was scheduled to be the last public consultation in advance of Heathrow Airport Limited (HAL) submitting an application for a Development Consent Order (DCO) to the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) for examination under the provisions of the Planning Act 2008 for determining Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects. The draft consultation response attached at Annex 1 has been produced in consultation with Surrey County Council services impacted by the scheme and provides commentary on the specific issues that are likely to significantly affect Surrey residents, businesses and county council service interests.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources & Performance Select Committee]
Additional documents:
That the consultation response submitted to Heathrow Airport Ltd and attached at Annex 1 to the submitted report was agreed.
Reason for decision:
The consultation response considers the potential impact of HAL’s proposed scheme on the Council’s services, residents and businesses. The response is in line with the 9 October 2018 Full Council resolution, which sets out the Council’s position that the environmental and infrastructure issues associated with expansion should be satisfactorily addressed. The comments in the response highlight the considerable concerns that this Council has in relation to the expansion proposals and some comments repeat points made at both a political and officer level during ongoing engagement with HAL on scheme development in bilateral meetings and through the Council’s membership of the Heathrow Strategic Planning Group (HSPG). There are many issues that remain to be addressed and more information must be provided to enable the likely effects to be fully understood.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources & Performance Select Committee]
The Cabinet Member for Environment & Waste introduced the council’s response to the Heathrow expansion consultation and highlighted various aspects of concern for Surrey residents. Several Members reiterated particular issues in their areas of the county and discussed traffic, rail and air pollution. The Cabinet Member for Environment & Waste spoke of efforts taken in getting answers to questions and how the long awaited traffic modelling would give a clear indication of what Heathrow should be doing.
The Leader thanked the Deputy Leader, Cabinet Member for Environment & Waste and the Communities, Environment & Highways Select Committee for work undertaken.
That the consultation response submitted to Heathrow Airport Ltd and attached at Annex 1 to the submitted report be agreed.
Reason for decision:
The consultation response considers the potential impact of HAL’s proposed scheme on the Council’s services, residents and businesses. The response is in line with the 9 October 2018 Full Council resolution, which sets out the Council’s position that the environmental and infrastructure issues associated with expansion should be satisfactorily addressed. The comments in the response highlight the considerable concerns that this Council has in relation to the expansion proposals and some comments repeat points made at both a political and officer level during ongoing engagement with HAL on scheme development in bilateral meetings and through the Council’s membership of the Heathrow Strategic Planning Group (HSPG). There are many issues that remain to be addressed and more information must be provided to enable the likely effects to be fully understood.
The decision was unanimous.