150 Making Surrey Safer - Our Plan 2020 - 2023 PDF 135 KB
The vision of Surrey Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) is to make Surrey a safer place to live, work, travel and do business. This means thinking differently about how to deliver prevention, protection and response activities and finding better ways of working with partners, residents and businesses. The detail of how we intend to do this is set out in Making Surrey Safer – Our Plan 2020-2023 (“Our Plan”).
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment & Highways Select Committee]
Additional documents:
That the “Making Surrey Safer – Our Plan 2020-2023”, be approved for publication and implementation.
Reason for decision:
Our Plan puts people at the heart of what we do by focussing on our most vulnerable people and our most risky places. This will reduce the likelihood of emergencies. Our Plan also ensures that when emergencies do happen we respond more efficiently.
Our Plan will meet the national direction from government for the future and local risks, whilst responding to the recommendations for improvement made by Her Majesties Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS). The feedback from the consultation broadly agreed with Our Plan. However, concerns about night time response cover have been expressed and we have responded to these in Section 18 of the submitted report.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment & Highways Select Committee]
The Leader opened the discussion on this item by expressing gratitude to the fire service for the vital work they do and for their courage and commitment. He had spoken to firefighters prior to the meeting and was aware of the passion and strength of feeling amongst them. He went on to explain that the intention of the Plan was to modernise the service for the next 20 years, that there was no intention to cut funding or cut the number of firefighters, in fact both would increase. Whilst understanding concerns of residents he hoped that they would place confidence in the experts of the fire service who had formed the Plan.
The Cabinet Member for Communities, Fire & Resilience highlighted some of the aspect of the Plan including:
· Night time cover being less needed as there was more risk in day time.
· The response times were lower at night due to less traffic on roads
· The number of on-call firefighters would increase.
· Non-emergency call outs would be charged for e.g. false alarms and animal rescues.
· Work was being undertaken with businesses to reduce false alarms.
She went on to say that the modelling had been externally verified and drew Members attention to the Equalities Impact Assessment and action plan.
Mr Robert Evans addressed the Cabinet and raised several issues around safety and level of support for the Plan amongst consultation responders.
In response to issues raised by Mr Evans several Cabinet Members reiterated the following points:
· There were mutual and reciprocal arrangements in place for cross border assistance and this was standard practice.
· That consultation results were contained within the submitted report but 50.3% of respondents agreed and strongly agreed with proposals.
· That this was an investment in the service and not cuts or austerity which was misinforming.
· Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) inspection has said that response to incidents was inefficient and that not enough prevention and protection activity took place. This meant we need to do more of this in the future. The Council needed to ensure it was providing an efficient, effective, accountable and transparent service.
That the “Making Surrey Safer – Our Plan 2020-2023”, be approved for publication and implementation.
Reason for decision:
Our Plan puts people at the heart of what we do by focussing on our most vulnerable people and our most risky places. This will reduce the likelihood of emergencies. Our Plan also ensures that when emergencies do happen we respond more efficiently.
Our Plan will meet the national direction from government for the future and local risks, whilst responding to the recommendations for improvement made by Her Majesties Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS). The feedback from the consultation broadly agreed with Our Plan. However, concerns about night time response cover have been expressed and we have responded to these in Section 18 of the submitted report.
The decision was unanimous.