Issue - meetings


Meeting: 09/09/2019 - Reigate and Banstead Local Committee (Item 22)


To inform the Local Committee on the progress of the 2019/20 Integrated Transport and highways maintenance programmes in Reigate and Banstead, as well as other projects that are not funded through the Local Committee such as the Major Scheme work, including the centrally funded major maintenance works, the Greater Redhill STP and the A23 Resilience Project.


The existing bus stop on the southbound carriageway of the A217 Brighton Road, Burgh Heath (50m south west of St. Mary’s Church) is inaccessible due to parked vehicles in the bus layby. Therefore, it is necessary to make changes to improve accessibility and ease of use and it is recommended that a bus stop clearway is installed. 


Additional documents:


The Local Committee agreed to:

i)    Note the contents of this report.

ii)   The installation of a bus stop clearway within the bus layby on the southbound carriageway of the A217 Brighton Road, Burgh Heath (50m south west of St. Mary’s Church). This clearway will operate from 07:00- 19:00 Monday to Friday  and will include works to provide providing a yellow bus layby cage road marking, to a length of approximately 45m.


Reason for decision:


The above decision was made to allow the installation of the bus clearway at the above location in order to prohibit parking at this location. The parking had previously led to the bus being unable to stop here.



Declarations of Interest: None


Officers attending: Zena Curry, Area Highways Manager, SCC


Petitions, Public Questions, Statements: None


The AHM introduced the report adding there was one decision to make about a new bus clearway and the rest of the report was to note. She welcomed questions from members of the committee.


Key points from the discussion:


·         The divisional member for Earlswood and Reigate South requested an amendment to the priorities for her division as detailed in Annex 2 of the report. Her first priority was Hillford Place pavements improvements  and her second priority was now Dover’s Green Road. Bushfield Drive was now her third priority because of the other major works that were already ongoing in this area.


·         A query was asked about the customer service figures and what information there was about central enquiries. The AHM confirmed there were no figures for central enquires that stopped at the contact centre, they only had figures for enquires that were sent to the Local Area Team that were generally more complex and localised. However as part of the digital transformation these other figures were being looked at.

·         Members noted that some refreshing of white lines had occurred in other boroughs, making their own divisions (particularly ones who neighboured other boroughs) look not as good. It was confirmed that a line refresh was taking place county-wide and many of the divisions in Reigate & Banstead were yet to have been completed.

·         It was noted that members were now receiving a monthly report on the maintenance work that had been requested and completed in their divisions. This was welcomed by members although a question arose about the contractor and whether a new one had been appointed. It was confirmed that it was still the same contractor but with new operatives as previously highways had noted there had been issues with the productivity.

·         In relation to Mason’s Bridge Road, members were keen to ensure any traffic calming measures didn’t inhibit ambulances travelling to East Surrey Hospital. This was noted by the AHM.

·         Members were encouraged to continue using the ‘report it’ button on the SCC website and advising their residents to do the same. This was the quickest and most efficient way to get problems logged. 




The Local Committee agreed to:

i)    Note the contents of this report.

ii)   The installation of a bus stop clearway within the bus layby on the southbound carriageway of the A217 Brighton Road, Burgh Heath (50m south west of St. Mary’s Church). This clearway will operate from 07:00- 19:00 Monday to Friday  and will include works to provide providing a yellow bus layby cage road marking, to a length of approximately 45m.


Reason for decision:


The above decision was made to allow the installation of the bus clearway at the above location in order to prohibit parking at this location. The parking had previously led to the bus being unable to stop here.