99 Finance Improvement Plan update PDF 849 KB
In May 2018 the former Leader and Chief Executive commissioned the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) to undertake a review of the council’s finances and finance function.
In response to the review, a Finance Improvement Programme (FIP) was put in place to address the issues raised. The plan for the FIP was approved by Cabinet in September 2018 and this report provides an update and recommends closure of the FIP.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Performance & Resources Select Committee]
Additional documents:
1. That the closure of Finance Improvement Programme be approved.
2. That the continued focus of the Finance Service on improvements (both people and process), learning from others and a culture of no complacency was endorsed.
3. That the importance of the organisation’s continued focus on its financial discipline was recognised and the further development of the Finance Academy to continue to address and develop financial management capabilities across the organisation was endorsed.
4. That the progress made on the Digital, Business & Insights programme and recognises the importance of this programme in the further work required to improve financial processes and data insights was noted.
5. That thanks be extended to the members of the External Assurance Panel, recognising the importance of their involvement, honest feedback, experience and expertise throughout the programme was agreed.
Reason for decision:
The collective commitment to stabilising the financial position of the Council was demonstrated when the finance improvement plan was supported by the Cabinet in September 2018. Since then a new medium-term financial strategy has been developed, aligned to the Community Vision for Surrey and a balanced budget has been set for consecutive years that does not rely on the use of reserves.
Having achieved the ambitions of the action plan and addressed the issues raised by the CIPFA report, these recommendations enable the closure of the programme and ensure a continued focus on the development of, and investment in, financial management skills across the whole organisation, to ensure that excellent financial management is at the heart of all our decision making.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Performance & Resources Select Committee]
The Cabinet Member for Resources presented a report that gave details of why the Finance Improvement Programme was set up alongside a performance board and an external assurance panel. It also detailed improvements made and the success of the Finance Team who had been nominated for the Finance Team of the Year Award. The report sought closure of the Programme.
Several Members thanked the Finance Team, Director of Resources and Cabinet Member for Resources highlighting the improved change of culture and driving through efficiency savings.
Thanks was also extended to the external chairman, Mike Lockwood.
1. That the closure of Finance Improvement Programme be approved.
2. That the continued focus of the Finance Service on improvements (both people and process), learning from others and a culture of no complacency was endorsed.
3. That the importance of the organisation’s continued focus on its financial discipline was recognised and the further development of the Finance Academy to continue to address and develop financial management capabilities across the organisation was endorsed.
4. That the progress made on the Digital, Business & Insights programme and recognises the importance of this programme in the further work required to improve financial processes and data insights was noted.
5. That thanks be extended to the members of the External Assurance Panel, recognising the importance of their involvement, honest feedback, experience and expertise throughout the programme was agreed.
Reason for decision:
The collective commitment to stabilising the financial position of the Council was demonstrated when the finance improvement plan was supported by the Cabinet in September 2018. Since then a new medium-term financial strategy has been developed, aligned to the Community Vision for Surrey and a balanced budget has been set for consecutive years that does not rely on the use of reserves.
Having achieved the ambitions of the action plan and addressed the issues raised by the CIPFA report, these recommendations enable the closure of the programme and ensure a continued focus on the development of, and investment in, financial management skills across the whole organisation, to ensure that excellent financial management is at the heart of all our decision making.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Performance & Resources Select Committee]