Issue - meetings

Covid 19 Contingencies

Meeting: 26/05/2020 - Cabinet (Item 78)

78 Covid-19 Update pdf icon PDF 150 KB

This paper is being presented under the General Exception Standing Order as it has not been possible to give 28 days’ notice of decisions to be taken.


Further to the report to Cabinet on 28 April 2020, this report will set out (i) an overview of how the Council is responding as an employer to the Government’s COVID-19 recovery strategy; (ii) updated forecasts and modelling from Public Health on the impact of COVID-19; (iii) an overview of the approach to testing in Surrey as well as an update around the government’s approach to track and trace and implementation locally; (iv) updated financial impact of COVID-19 on the Council and (iv) an update on the Council’s response to supporting vulnerable residents who are being shielded.


[Where necessary a waiver for call-in will be sought from the relevant Select Committee Chairman.]

Additional documents:




That the following were noted:


  1. the latest public health situation with regard to COVID-19 and the latest information regarding the government’s Test and Trace programme,


  1. the support being provided to the council’s most vulnerable residents and the plans to ensure that this continued into the next phase of the COVID-19 pandemic,


  1. the updated assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on Surrey County Council’s short and medium-term financial position, and


  1. the council’s response as an employer to support staff and to ensure appropriate guidance was followed to ensure safety in the workplace.


Reason for decision:


The county and council continue to face unprecedented challenges due to the COVID-19 crisis. In addition to response activity, attention is turning to the re-starting, restoration and recovery of services and day-to-day life, as lockdown measures are eased nationally.


The recommendations set out in this report ensure Cabinet are appraised of the work going on across the council to protect, sustain and support our residents and communities and the economy of Surrey.


[Where necessary a waiver for call-in will be sought from the relevant Select Committee Chairman.]



The Leader introduced a report that set out the latest Public Health information about COVID-19, an update on the strategic and sensitive issues arising from the extensive response work and initial recovery planning going on across Surrey as the national and local situation developed rapidly.  He pointed out that there were some good infographics on the Council’s website that showed the scale of the work undertaken.  There had been good partnership working with borough and district councils as well as the voluntary, community and faith sector.  He thanked businesses and residents that responded to the callout for personal protective equipment  with 1,500 offers of help and over 100,000 pieces donated.  He recognised the health implications to staff of the lockdown and encouraged them to take advantage of the support available online.


The Leader went on to say that Surrey was one of 11 authorities that were working together to submit a local outbreak control plan to Government by the end of June 2020.  There would also be a public facing local outbreak engagement board set up to engage with residents and borough councils as a forum for communication.




That the following were noted:


  1. the latest public health situation with regard to COVID-19 and the latest information regarding the government’s Test and Trace programme,


  1. the support being provided to the council’s most vulnerable residents and the plans to ensure that this continued into the next phase of the COVID-19 pandemic,


  1. the updated assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on Surrey County Council’s short and medium-term financial position, and


  1. the council’s response as an employer to support staff and to ensure appropriate guidance was followed to ensure safety in the workplace.


Reason for decision:


The county and council continue to face unprecedented challenges due to the COVID-19 crisis. In addition to response activity, attention is turning to the re-starting, restoration and recovery of services and day-to-day life, as lockdown measures are eased nationally.


The recommendations set out in this report ensure Cabinet are appraised of the work going on across the council to protect, sustain and support our residents and communities and the economy of Surrey.