Issue - meetings

Surrey Lane Rental Scheme

Meeting: 23/06/2020 - Cabinet (Item 97)

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1.    That Surrey County Council undertake a consultation as prescribed in the Department for Transport Lane Rental Schemes Guidance for English Local Highway Authorities with a view to introducing a lane rental scheme. Subject to the results of that consultation having been taken into account and a scheme being considered appropriate to make a submission to the Secretary of State for an Order to bring a scheme into legal effect.


2.    That delegated authority be given to the Director for Infrastructure and Delivery in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport to approve the commencement of a lane rental scheme once the Secretary of State approval has been obtained.


Reason for decision:


Surrey County Councils’ Community Vision for Surrey in 2030 has an aspiration that “Journeys across the County are easier, more predictable and safer”.  A lane rental scheme will help us achieve this aspiration.  Analysis from pioneer lane rental schemes, introduced by Transport for London (2012) and Kent County Council (2013) demonstrate clear benefits from a scheme. These benefits are derived from behaviour changes by organisations undertaking works, to avoid lane rental charges, and additional control by both Authorities to coordinate works.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]



The Cabinet Member for Transport introduced a report that described how Surrey suffered with traffic congestion during peak periods, particularly at congestion hotspots.  Surrey’s congestion levels were 25% higher than the average for the South East region as a whole.  This congestion was exacerbated when utility companies and highway authorities, undertook works on the highway, closing or limiting traffic flows, particularly at peak times.  It was therefore proposed to introduce a lane rental scheme, by which organisations working on the highway paid into a fund for such usage, and could be applied to the most congested sections of the road network.  He cited the positive outcomes for both Transport for London and Kent County Council who had both introduced lane rental schemes.




1.    That Surrey County Council undertake a consultation as prescribed in the Department for Transport Lane Rental Schemes Guidance for English Local Highway Authorities with a view to introducing a lane rental scheme. Subject to the results of that consultation having been taken into account and a scheme being considered appropriate to make a submission to the Secretary of State for an Order to bring a scheme into legal effect.


2.    That delegated authority be given to the Director for Infrastructure and Delivery in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport to approve the commencement of a lane rental scheme once the Secretary of State approval has been obtained.


Reason for decision:


Surrey County Councils’ Community Vision for Surrey in 2030 has an aspiration that “Journeys across the County are easier, more predictable and safer”.  A lane rental scheme will help us achieve this aspiration.  Analysis from pioneer lane rental schemes, introduced by Transport for London (2012) and Kent County Council (2013) demonstrate clear benefits from a scheme. These benefits are derived from behaviour changes by organisations undertaking works, to avoid lane rental charges, and additional control by both Authorities to coordinate works.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]