Issue - meetings

A31 and Blackwater Valley Relief Road (BVR) Balancing Pond Restoration Procurement

Meeting: 29/09/2020 - Cabinet (Item 135)

135 A31 and Blackwater Valley Relief Road (BVR) Balancing Pond Restoration Procurement pdf icon PDF 110 KB

The A31 and A331, also known as the Blackwater Valley Relief Road (BVR) have several balancing ponds along their length that form an integral part of the highway drainage system.  Recent surveys and reports have confirmed that works are required to ensure the assets are performing as designed, and funding to refurbish and maintain these assets was approved in March 2020 as part of the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan. This report seeks approval for the addition of these works to the Annual Procurement Forward Plan to allow us to procure a specialist contractor to refurbish and maintain these assets.

[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]


Additional documents:




1.    That the commissioning and procurement strategy developed by Strategic Network Resilience and Procurement teams so that a suitable contractor can be appointed to maintain and refurbish balancing ponds along the A31 and Blackwater Valley Relief Road (A331) be approved.

2.    That delegated authority be given to the Executive Director for Environment, Transport & Infrastructure in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport to approve the contract award decision.

Reason for Decision:

We are requesting Approval to Procure for the Balancing Pond Term Contract to enable the refurbishment of essential highway drainage assets to ensure that they are performing as designed.

[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]





The Cabinet Member for Highways stated the A31 and A331, also known as the Blackwater Valley Relief Road (BVR) have several balancing ponds along their length that form an integral part of the highway drainage system. Water from the highway drains into these ponds where it is stored before it discharges into nearby watercourses. The ponds act to ensure water can effectively drain from the road in

order to improve safety to users of the high-speed road whilst also protecting the local area from contamination. Recent surveys and reports have confirmed that works are required to ensure the assets are performing as designed. The report is requesting permission to go out to contract award and appoint someone to undertake this work. It is proposed that the Council appoint a specialist contractor to refurbish and maintain these assets through a “Term Contract” for up to a 10-year duration.


The Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change stated that it was positive to see this work coming forward as it would be increasing the county’s flood resilience. The Cabinet Member queried if there were any timescales as to when this work would start. The Cabinet Member for Highways stated that with procurement dates the completion of the tender evaluation should be done by 13 October 2020 with a standstill period of 10 days. This would be followed by the formality of signing the contract. It was confirmed that the Blackwater Valley Countryside Partnership would be consulted as work is undertaken.




1.    That the commissioning and procurement strategy developed by Strategic Network Resilience and Procurement teams so that a suitable contractor can be appointed to maintain and refurbish balancing ponds along the A31 and Blackwater Valley Relief Road (A331) be approved.

2.    That delegated authority be given to the Executive Director for Environment, Transport & Infrastructure in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport to approve the contract award decision.

Reason for Decision:

We are requesting Approval to Procure for the Balancing Pond Term Contract to enable the refurbishment of essential highway drainage assets to ensure that they are performing as designed.

[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]