164 Public Value Reviews of Arts, Heritage and Adult & Community Learning PDF 81 KB
To consider the recommendations for the final services to be reviewed within the three year Public Value Review programme - Surrey Arts (provider of music services to schools, community arts development and the Surrey Arts Wardrobe), Heritage Services (incorporating County Records, Archaeology, Access and Learning) and Adult and Community Learning. The joint report reflects the proposed move towards an integrated Cultural Service offer and the actions proposed will enable SCC to take a leading role at the forefront of cultural life in the county.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities Select Committee]
Additional documents:
1. That the outcomes of the three Public Value Reviews be agreed and these roll forward into a new strategy and vision for Cultural Services in Surrey, with detailed Service Improvement Plans in place by March 2013.
2. That a refreshed strategy and vision be developed for Cultural Services, including Libraries and Registration Services, which will position Surrey to become a leader for quality cultural activity in the country.
3. That a feasibility study be undertaken to create options for the provision of a new cultural hub that would position Surrey at the forefront of culture nationally and internationally, to be brought back to Cabinet for decision.
4. That a detailed research and evaluation project be undertaken to assess the potential benefits and risks of a new approach to the delivery of Cultural Services through other business models.
5. That, following completion of the Service Improvement Plans, a follow-up report be presented to the Cabinet Member, detailing all financial implications for final decision.
Reason for Decisions
Carrying out the actions within this report will ensure SCC’s
cultural services create a framework to deliver an innovative
cultural and learning offer that ensures value for money and
establishes a leading cultural role for SCC nationally.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities Select Committee]
The comments from the Communities Select Committee together with the Cabinet Member for Community Services and 2012 Games’ response were tabled at the meeting (Appendix 6a and 6b).
Mr Cosser, Chairman of Communities Select Committee was invited to expand on the recommendations of his committee. He said that he welcomed the assurance of continued Member involvement in the completion of the individual Public Value Reviews, as well as the monitoring of the combined Cultural Services PVR and said that he hoped that the select committee would continue to contribute to policy development.
The Cabinet Member for Community Services and the 2012 Games thanked him for his committee’s comments and referred to her tabled response. She confirmed that the outcome of this review was a serious proposition which needed to be developed and thanked the officers involved in delivering this Public Value Review.
The Cabinet Member for Community Safety referred to the Equalities Impact Assessment, and the detailed and helpful information set out within it, which helped to provide an understanding of Surrey’s communities and different cultures so that services could be shaped to meet their needs.
In relation to a query regarding Mental Health, the Cabinet Member for Community Safety agreed to provide a response to the Cabinet Member for Change and Efficiency outside the meeting.
1. That the outcomes of the three Public Value Reviews be agreed and these roll forward into a new strategy and vision for Cultural Services in Surrey, with detailed Service Improvement Plans in place by March 2013.
2. That a refreshed strategy and vision be developed for Cultural Services, including Libraries and Registration Services, which will position Surrey to become a leader for quality cultural activity in the country.
3. That a feasibility study be undertaken to create options for the provision of a new cultural hub that would position Surrey at the forefront of culture nationally and internationally, to be brought back to Cabinet for decision.
4. That a detailed research and evaluation project be undertaken to assess the potential benefits and risks of a new approach to the delivery of Cultural Services through other business models.
5. That, following completion of the Service Improvement Plans, a follow-up report is presented to the Cabinet Member, detailing all financial implications for final decision.
Reasons for Decisions
Carrying out the actions within this report will ensure SCC’s cultural services create a framework to deliver an innovative cultural and learning offer that ensures value for money and establishes a leading cultural role for SCC nationally.