This report details the achievements of the Children, Schools and Families Directorate in 2011-12. Performance data predominantly reflects the financial year 2011-12 apart from schools data which reflects the 2010/11 academic year. The timing of the report reflects the need to reflect key messages from the Ofsted inspection of children’ services in the Autumn 2012. The Children, Schools and Families (CSF) Directorate has made good progress over the past year. A recent Ofsted inspection found Surrey County Council’s arrangements for the protection of children to be effective. The directorate has developed a children and young people’s strategy for 2012-17 order to sustain continued improvement.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Education Select Committee]
Additional documents:
1. That the good progress that has been made by the Directorate and achievements over the last year be noted.
2. That the publication of the CSF directorate annual report be agreed.
Reasons for Decisions
To note the progress and plans detailed in the 2011/2012 annual report and allow them to be published and shared with the wider council and its partners.
This report set out the Children, Schools and Families Directorate’s progress in 2011/12 and was presented by the Cabinet Member for Children and Families. She referred to the Ofsted inspection in September 2012 of Surrey County Council’s arrangements for the protection of children, which had found the Directorate’s work to be effective. She acknowledged the areas for improvement that needed to be addressed and she informed Cabinet of the increasing numbers of child protection cases and the impact of budgetary pressures on the Directorate. However, she was pleased to report the success of the savings scheme for Looked After Children, which was the first scheme of its kind nationally and also the implementation of the integrated children’s system (ICS) which had also been recognised nationally.
She acknowledged the work to do in strengthening the cohesiveness of partnership working and implementing a coordinated programme of early help. These areas would be taken forward through a public value programme, the children and young people’s partnership and the Surrey Safeguarding Children Board.
Key points made by other Cabinet Members were:
· The service had made a dramatic improvement in the last four years.
· Surrey County Council’s work to safeguard children was effective, child focussed and was making a difference.
· That this was now a tough inspection regime in which many other local authorities had been voted ‘inadequate’.
· There had been excellent achievements in both reducing the numbers of young people Not in Education, Employment or Training and also the first time entrants into the youth justice system was at an all time low.
· Reference was made to tackling Domestic Abuse and that this continued to be a significant priority for the Council.
· That, the new Youth Support Services provided an integrated response for Surrey’s most vulnerable young people. The restorative justice element of this service was the right way forward and the work in partnership with Surrey Police was commended.
· The early years provision, together with work being undertaken in the service, to increase the provision of nursery places for 2 year olds was also praised.
· The excellent work of HOPE, a therapeutic service for young people with mental health issues was noted.
The Cabinet congratulated all staff who looked after children, sometimes in difficult circumstances and the Cabinet Member for Children and Families agreed to made this annual report available to all Members.
1. The good progress that has been made by the Directorate and achievements over the last year be noted.
2. The publication of the CSF directorate annual report be agreed.
Reasons for Decisions
To note the progress and plans detailed in the 2011/2012 annual report and allow them to be published and shared with the wider council and its partners.