Issue - meetings

2012/13 - Quarter 3 Business report

Meeting: 05/02/2013 - Cabinet (Item 8)


To acknowledge and discuss the success that Surrey County Council has achieved during the third quarter of 2012/13 (demonstrated by the latest available Council-wide results on customer feedback,  finance, workforce and performance, the progress report on the One County One Team People Strategy 2012/17 and the January 2013 Leadership Risk Register).


 [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]

Additional documents:


1.               The Quarter Three Business Report covering Residents Survey feedback, people performance, financial stewardship and individual Directorate performance be noted.

2.               The progress made in implementing the One County One Team People Strategy 2012/17 be noted.

3.         The Leadership Risk Register as of January 2013 be agreed.


Reason for decision

To ensure effective business management of the County Council and delivery of improved outcomes and value for money for Surrey residents, the proper implementation of the Council’s One County One Team People Strategy 2012/17 and proper consideration of Leadership Risks.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]


The Cabinet considered the latest available Council-wide results on customer feedback, finance, workforce and performance, the progress report on the One County One Team People Strategy 2012/17 and the January 2013 Leadership Risk Register and acknowledged the success that Surrey County Council had achieved during the third quarter of 2012/13.


Surrey County Council is a well performing council with 95% of residents satisfied with their neighbourhood as a place to live. Some of the Council’s key achievements during the past quarter included the completion of the three year Public Value Review programme, the launch of the ‘Switch and Save’ energy scheme and being shortlisted for Council of the Year as part of the Local Government Chronicle (LGC) Awards 2013. 


Cabinet Members also noted other achievements including:

·        The completion of a new £4.5m road scheme to ease congestion outside the Surrey Research Park, Guildford.

·        Meeting the target of filling 200 apprentice places four months early.

·        Winning the 2012 national innovation award from the Society of Information Technology Management (Socitm) for innovative use of technology.

·        Other authorities had been seeking advice from Surrey County Council on how to reduce their adult social worker absence rates.


It was noted that recycling rates had been affected by recent central government decisions, including stopping treefall recycling, however the partnership work with boroughs and districts continued to gather pace towards meeting the Council’s target March. It was noted that the target rate for 2013/14 would be clarified as part of future reporting.


It was RESOLVED that:


1.           The Quarter Three Business Report covering Residents Survey feedback, people performance, financial stewardship and individual Directorate performance be noted.


2.           The progress made in implementing the One County One Team People Strategy 2012/17 be noted.


3.      The Leadership Risk Register as of January 2013 be agreed.


Reason for decision

To ensure effective business management of the County Council and delivery of improved outcomes and value for money for Surrey residents, the proper implementation of the Council’s One County One Team People Strategy 2012/17 and proper consideration of Leadership Risks.