Issue - meetings

Active Travel Programme Update

Meeting: 30/03/2021 - Cabinet (Item 71)

71 Active Travel Programme Update pdf icon PDF 421 KB

Surrey County Council is keen to support the ability of residents to make sustainable choices in how they travel, and to this end, has been awarded funding from the Department of Transport of £6.45m to deliver Active Travel schemes by April 2022. Cabinet are asked to agree the prioritisation process so a final programme of active travel schemes can be determined and proceed to construction.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]

Additional documents:




  1. That the prioritisation process so a final programme of schemes can be determined and can proceed to construction be agreed; 


  1. That approval of the final programme as well as authorisation to advertise and consider any relevant Traffic Regulation Orders be delegated to the Director of Highways & Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highways and the relevant Divisional Member, once agreed by the Capital Programme Panel;


3.    That local and joint committees are provided regular updates of progress of  the relevant schemes within their areas.


Reason for decision:


Increasing residents’ choices on travel and accessibility of travel is important for our residents and as such is reflected in our ambitions and community vision. Active travel has also been a key area of government policy with the publication of the Department for Transport’s Gear Change plan which set out the ambition for the UK to become a walking and cycling nation.


SCC want to ensure that the active travel schemes being delivered for residents align with our own ambitions and objectives as well as ensuring that the grant is directed to the priority schemes in the time required and with the right local engagement


On this basis, consideration has been given to the prioritisation process required to achieve this aim. It is anticipated this will include the following aspects;


  • Consultation outcomes
  • Contribution to sustainable travel choices for commuting and leisure
  • Contribution to a reduction in carbon emission
  • Improvement in air quality through reduction in congestion
  • Links to health, education, and jobs


We are taking a consultation approach that provides robust evidence. This consultative approach is not only important in helping us to prioritise but also in meeting the Government’s expectations in the second round of schemes.


It is imperative that the consultation is representative of the communities that live around the proposed active travel schemes as well as the wider population across Surrey. The work will extend beyond the groups that typically participate in consultation exercises to reach those who, for whatever reason, do not typically engage in traditional consultation exercises but are nonetheless affected by the proposed changes.


Once the consultation has concluded, the schemes will be prioritised based on the results of the consultation and the factors explained later in this report.  Those schemes that are unsuccessful in being prioritised for delivery will remain on list for future funding opportunities and review through the Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIP) programme.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]



The Cabinet Member for Highways introduced the report highlighting that the council was keen to support the ability of residents to make sustainable choices in how they travel, and to this end, had been awarded funding from the Department of Transport of £6.45m to deliver Active Travel schemes by April 2022. The programme would run alongside the 11 walking and cycling infrastructure plans across Surrey with district and borough partners. A consultation process would be undertaken and details were given on how this would work. It was proposed, in order to meet timescales approval for the final programme would be delegated to officers and the divisional member would be consulted on this.


The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health and Domestic Abuse stated that as the divisional member for Staines she felt well briefed on the schemes being undertaken in her division.




  1. That the prioritisation process so a final programme of schemes can be determined and can proceed to construction be agreed; 


  1. That approval of the final programme as well as authorisation to advertise and consider any relevant Traffic Regulation Orders be delegated to the Director of Highways & Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highways and the relevant Divisional Member, once agreed by the Capital Programme Panel;


3.    That local and joint committees are provided regular updates of progress of  the relevant schemes within their areas.


Reason for decision:


Increasing residents’ choices on travel and accessibility of travel is important for our residents and as such is reflected in our ambitions and community vision. Active travel has also been a key area of government policy with the publication of the Department for Transport’s Gear Change plan which set out the ambition for the UK to become a walking and cycling nation.


SCC want to ensure that the active travel schemes being delivered for residents align with our own ambitions and objectives as well as ensuring that the grant is directed to the priority schemes in the time required and with the right local engagement


On this basis, consideration has been given to the prioritisation process required to achieve this aim. It is anticipated this will include the following aspects;


  • Consultation outcomes
  • Contribution to sustainable travel choices for commuting and leisure
  • Contribution to a reduction in carbon emission
  • Improvement in air quality through reduction in congestion
  • Links to health, education, and jobs


We are taking a consultation approach that provides robust evidence. This consultative approach is not only important in helping us to prioritise but also in meeting the Government’s expectations in the second round of schemes.


It is imperative that the consultation is representative of the communities that live around the proposed active travel schemes as well as the wider population across Surrey. The work will extend beyond the groups that typically participate in consultation exercises to reach those who, for whatever reason, do not typically engage in traditional consultation exercises but are nonetheless affected by the proposed changes.


Once the consultation has  ...  view the full minutes text for item 71