The Annual Procurement Forward Plan (APFP) was approved by Cabinet on 15 December 2020. The APFP does not include individual capital projects. The governance route for Schools provides the Capital Programme Panel with managerial control to approve capital schemes over £1,000,000, if already approved by Cabinet in the Medium Term Financial Plan. The Capital Programme Panel cannot however provide the additional Approval to Procure when individual projects are not on the APFP and that approval is now required by Cabinet.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee]
Additional documents:
2. That within the +/-5% budgetary tolerance level, the Executive Director of Resources and Director of Land and Property are authorised to award such contracts, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member.
Reason for decision:
By approving this recommendation Surrey County Council will avoid the need to submit multiple individual requests for Approval to Procure the school projects, as well as individual contract award approvals for work taking place in 2021/22.
Enable the delivery of the Capital schools programme approved in the Medium Term Financial Strategy.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources & Performance Select Committee]
The Cabinet Member for All-Age Learning explained that the Annual Procurement Forward Plan was approved by Cabinet on 15 December 2020 and did not include individual capital projects. The report details these projects at Annex 1. By approving this recommendation, the council would avoid the need to submit multiple individual requests for Approval to Procure the school projects, as well as individual contract award approvals for work taking place in 2021/22.
2. That within the +/-5% budgetary tolerance level, the Executive Director of Resources and Director of Land and Property are authorised to award such contracts, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member.
Reason for decision:
By approving this recommendation Surrey County Council will avoid the need to submit multiple individual requests for Approval to Procure the school projects, as well as individual contract award approvals for work taking place in 2021/22.
Enable the delivery of the Capital schools programme approved in the Medium Term Financial Strategy.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources & Performance Select Committee]