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Purpose of the report:
This report provides an update
on the improvement of Surrey’s children’s services, an
overview of our readiness for a full Ofsted ILACS inspection, a
summary of the recent Ofsted Monitoring Visit (September 2021)
findings/feedback, our response and any impact on our improvement
Additional documents:
Clare Curran, Cabinet
Member for Children and Families
Rachael Wardell,
Executive Director – Children, Families and Lifelong
Tina Benjamin,
Director – Corporate Parenting
Matt Ansell, Director
– Family Resilience and Safeguarding
points raised in the discussion:
- The Cabinet Member
for Children and Families introduced the report and provided
context, noting the key challenges within Children’s Services
and the Ofsted inspection taking place between 17 and 28 January 2022.
- A Member asked why
the Corporate Parenting Service was confident, from the work of
Creative Solutions, that No Wrong Door (NWD) would be successful.
The Executive Director for Children, Families and Lifelong Learning
provided an overview of the NWD programme and explained that
Creative Solutions was the early work undertaken to think and work
differently with young people and families, similar to the approach
of NWD. The Director for Corporate Parenting explained that the
work of Creative Solutions provided opportunity to train and
prepare staff ahead of the introduction of NWD. The North Yorkshire
County Council’s NWD accreditation process presented
constructive challenge, and this provided reassurance around the
success of the model. The Service was well set up in terms of
collecting data and understanding the implications of NWD, and
colleagues from North Yorkshire County Council would provide
support in this area. A Member asked how many of the young people
supported by Creative Solutions who did not enter care would have
been expected to enter care without that support, and what impact
on looked after children numbers was expected of NWD . The Director
explained that financial predictions were based on conservative
estimates based on data from North Yorkshire County Council’s
NWD. Creative Solutions had engaged with 75 children in the last
nine months and had finished working with 35 of those children,
work with the rest of the children was ongoing. Of this cohort,
only two of those children still entered the care system, which was
very low compared to figures from previous years.
- In response to a
question on the first NWD hub, the Director for Corporate Parenting
shared that the hub was on track to open in January 2022, a staff
restructure had been completed and recruitment to additional posts
had taken place, whilst there were a few vacancies still to fill,
including foster carers. The Member also asked about the progress
of the ‘getting to good’ phase of the children’s
improvement programme and inspection readiness. The Executive
Director explained that the ongoing Ofsted inspection of Children’s Services would
provide an answer regarding service improvement. The compilation of
evidence in preparation for the inspection had illuminated the
considerable progress made during the previous phase of improvement
between the 2018 inspection and 2020 . The Executive Director
stated that significant positive feedback had been received
regarding improvement, but acknowledged that there were still areas
where the Service needed to improve further in order to receive a
grading of Good.
- The Member asked
about the challenges of engaging educational settings in Graded
Care Profile 2 (GCP2) training, ...
view the full minutes text for item 6