Issue - meetings


Meeting: 05/12/2022 - Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee (Item 48)


To receive any questions or petitions.



1.    The deadline for Member’s questions is 12.00pm four working days before the meeting (29 November 2022).


2.    The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting(28 November 2022)


3.    The deadline for petitions was 14 days before the meeting, and no petitions have been received.


The public retain their right to submit questions for written response, with such answers recorded in the minutes of the meeting; questioners may participate in meetings to ask a supplementary question. Petitioners may address the Committee on their petition for up to three minutes. Guidance will be made available to any member of the public wishing to speak at a meeting.


Additional documents:


1.    There were three Members questions and responses were published as a supplement to the agenda.


2.    With regards to the third question, Fiona Davidson asked if performance information against Key Performance Indicators (KPI) in relation to highways delays would be made available to all Councillors on a year-to-date basis. As costs continue to rise, any outstanding estimates for schemes would disadvantage Members whose estimates have been delayed. The Director of Highways and Transport confirmed that performance data was now being collected for this transition year and would be shared with the Select Committee as committed to previously. The focus was on efficient delivery of the scheme between Ringway and Surrey County Council (SCC) and the Director of Highways and Transport invited any specific concerns from Members if this was not the case. The Chairman suggested that prior to the KPIs being reported to the Select Committee, a session in January 2023 between the Highways Reference Group, Ringway and the Highways department to discuss the points raised should take place.