Issue - meetings

Trumps Green Infant School Proposed Expansion - Decision

Meeting: 21/11/2012 - Cabinet Member for Children and Learning Decisions (Item 8.)

8. Trumps Green Infant School Proposed Expansion - Decision pdf icon PDF 53 KB

To decide whether to approve the expansion of Trumps Green Infant School to become a two form entry (2FE) infant school on 1 September 2013 with a Published Admission Number (PAN) of 60.  


[The decisions on this item cam be called in by the Education Select Committee]

Additional documents:


That the following proposals be approved:


·         Trumps Green Infant School to expand  on 1 September 2013

·         the PAN would increase from 30 to 60 in September 2013

·         the school would increase its number of places by 30 pupils each year from 2013 until it has fully expanded

·         Additional classrooms would be built to accommodate the additional pupils and increase the capacity of the school from 90 to 180 places