Issue - meetings

Blackhorse Road Speed Limit Assessment: Referral from Woking Local Committee

Meeting: 13/12/2012 - Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment Decisions (Item 4.)

4. Blackhorse Road Speed Limit Assessment: Referral from Woking Local Committee pdf icon PDF 40 KB

To consider whether to endorse the Woking Local Committee recommendation that the speed limit in Blackhorse Road, Woking, be changed from 40mph to 30mph.  Under the Scheme of Delegation, the authority to endorse a new speed limit rests with the Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment when a Local Committee decision is in disagreement with the Police and Surrey Highways Officers.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee]


Additional documents:


(1)        The decision to introduce a 30mph speed limit in Blackhorse Road be not endorsed.


(2)       The recommended outcome proposed by officers be approved.


(3)       The Woking Local Committee be asked to support the proposal to carry out a feasibility and design study to look at targeted safety improvements at the junction with Blackhorse Road and Saunders Lane where the majority of accidents have occurred as part of their 2013/14 ITS programme.