Purpose of the item: To provide the Adults and Health Select Committee with an update on the implementation of the Community Mental Health Transformation Programme in Surrey.
Additional documents:
· Professor Helen Rostill – Deputy Chief Executive, Surrey and Borders Partnership
· Georgina Foulds – Associate Director for Primary and
Community Transformation, Surrey and Borders Partnership
· Ane Sosan – Community Mental Health Transformation Programme Manager, Surrey and Borders Partnership
· Patrik Wolter – CEO, Mary Frances Trust
· Immy Marwick – Mental Health Lead, Independent Mental
Health Network
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The Deputy Chief Executive introduced the report and noted that the programme had a multi-agency approach. The programme was built through co-production with those who had lived experiences of mental health services. The witnesses shared four videos of personal stories with the Select Committee, which can be accessed using the following link: Adults and Health Select Committee - Thursday 3 March 202210.00am - Surrey County Council Webcasts (public-i.tv)(from 7 minutes 15 seconds). The Deputy Chief Executive explained that a lot of progress had been made, but there was still work to do. The Associate Director emphasised the complexity of the programme and noted that there were still a number of years until completion. It was highlighted that they would continue to listen to experiences of where they had not got it right yet and continue to reflect and learn.
2. A Member asked about how the programme was supporting young people transitioning into adult mental health services, as well as the accessibility of transition packs. The Member also asked about the link to health inequalities. The Deputy Chief Executive responded that the programme worked closely with Mindworks Surrey and the alliance programme to support those in transition. The Reaching Out service targeted all young people over 17 who were transitioning into adult services, which tried to bridge the journey for them. The transition packs were co-designed and developed with the Young Adults Reference Group, to try and improve the process around transition. The transition packs helped to guide conversation and listen to young people’s needs and ambitions. The Deputy Chief Executive explained that because the conversations were guided, it enabled staff to tailor the conversation appropriately. Recovery Colleges supported young people and their families through transition and were open to anyone who wished to attend. They offered a running programme of courses which had been codesigned. The Associate Director added that the Reaching Out service was to go live in the spring. In six to nine months, it would be appropriate to evaluate the work. The Deputy Chief Executive explained that work was also underway to develop a number of initiatives for young people with eating disorders to improve the service offer, including early intervention.
3. A Member raised the issue of a lack of continuity between services when transitioning, which often led to long waiting times and having to change counsellor. The Associate Director responded that the ambition was that the Reaching Out service would address these sorts of issues. The Deputy Chief Executive agreed that a challenge of transition can be moving from a trusted relationship with one professional to another. ... view the full minutes text for item 13