246 Digital Business & Insights Programme Re-Planning PDF 363 KB
This report presents a funding request to complete the remaining stages of the implementation programme to replace the council’s existing corporate (enterprise resource planning or ERP) system and go-live in April 2022.
(The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee)
N.B There is a Part 2 Annex at Item 21.
Additional documents:
1. That Cabinet approve the £1.25m revenue and £1.91m capital funding required for the project extension to complete go-live of the new Unit4 ERP system in April 2022.
Reasons for Decisions:
The recommendation to approve the funding request will enable the programme to complete the implementation of the Unit4 ERP system and deliver its benefits. This includes addressing urgent technical drivers for change, while also enabling the council to achieve its ambitions to transform services, drive efficiencies, improve management decision making and to fully enable a flexible and mobile workforce.
(This item can be called in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee]
The report introduced by the Leader asked the Cabinet to approve a funding request to complete the remaining stages of the implementation programme to replace the council’s existing corporate (enterprise resource planning or ERP) system and go-live in April 2022. The Leader explained the two phases of the project and highlighted that the delay to the programme was due to the quality of the data being migrated and updates and change requirements from HR. A member commented that the project had gone significantly wrong and an overspend had been incurred. The Leader stated that there were lessons to be learnt but did not agree that the project had gone wrong. There could have been greater clarity between the Council and the contractor in terms of who had responsibility for parts of the project. A member commented that the project had been scrutinised by the Resources and Performance Select Committee and risks identified. The project would be reviewed by the Select Committee again in January 2021.
1. That Cabinet approve the £1.25m revenue and £1.91m capital funding required for the project extension to complete go-live of the new Unit4 ERP system in April 2022.
Reasons for Decisions:
The recommendation to approve the funding request will enable the programme to complete the implementation of the Unit4 ERP system and deliver its benefits. This includes addressing urgent technical drivers for change, while also enabling the council to achieve its ambitions to transform services, drive efficiencies, improve management decision making and to fully enable a flexible and mobile workforce.
(This item can be called in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee]