Issue - meetings

Department for Transport Safe Cycling Bid

Meeting: 26/03/2013 - Cabinet (Item 60)

60 Investment in Safe Cycling Infrastructure pdf icon PDF 72 KB

In November 2012, the County Council submitted a bid to the Department for Transport’s newly established Cycle Safety Fund.  The fund was established in response to concern about the rising numbers of cycling casualties in the UK, with the funding focused on junctions or stretches of the highway with a record of cyclists being killed or seriously injured.


The County Council bid for five schemes, prioritising two which offered best fit with the fund criteria: Walton Bridge Links and Leatherhead Town Centre.  The DfT was due to make an announcement in February but this has been delayed.  In order to ensure deliverability of the schemes within the DfT timescales for completion by the end of 2013, the County Council will need to progress quickly to implementation as soon as the bid outcome is received.   


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee]

Additional documents:



That the decision to accept the grant be delegated to the Strategic Director for Environment and Infrastructure, in consultation with the Leader and the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport.


Reasons for Decisions


Tackling cyclist KSI rates is a corporate priority.  The rate of cyclist KSIs in Surrey has more than doubled in the last four years.  The schemes will directly benefit areas of high cyclist KSI rates, by making cycling a safer option for residents that live, work and shop in the town centres.  It will deliver economic benefit by making it more possible for people to cycle, reducing travel costs and congestion.  It will support the County Council’s ambition to secure a cycling legacy from the 2012 Olympics and will support development of Surrey’s visitor economy.


Consultation with residents in Walton-upon-Thames and Leatherhead, identified that 89% of people would welcome the introduction of safe, segregated cycle routes.  Of the people surveyed, 44% of cycle owners and 82% of non-owners identified road safety issues as a deterrent to cycling.  


The relevant Local Committees have formally approved the proposed schemes.  


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee]


In November 2012, the County Council submitted a bid to the Department for Transport (DfT)’s newly established Cycle Safety Fund.  The fund was established in response to concern about the rising numbers of cycling casualties in the UK, with the funding focused on junctions or stretches of the highway with a record of cyclists being killed or seriously injured.


The County Council bid for five schemes, prioritising two which offered best fit with the fund criteria: Walton Bridge Links and Leatherhead Town Centre.  The DfT was due to make an announcement in February but this has been delayed.  In order to ensure deliverability of the schemes within the DfT timescales for completion by the end of 2013, the County Council would need to progress quickly to implementation as soon as the bid outcome is received, which is hoped to be in April 2013.  The Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment commended the recommendations to Members.




That the decision to accept the grant be delegated to the Strategic Director for Environment and Infrastructure, in consultation with the Leader and the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport.


Reasons for Decisions


Tackling cyclist KSI rates is a corporate priority.  The rate of cyclist KSIs in Surrey has more than doubled in the last four years.  The schemes will directly benefit areas of high cyclist KSI rates, by making cycling a safer option for residents that live, work and shop in the town centres.  It will deliver economic benefit by making it more possible for people to cycle, reducing travel costs and congestion.  It will support the County Council’s ambition to secure a cycling legacy from the 2012 Olympics and will support development of Surrey’s visitor economy.


Consultation with residents in Walton-upon-Thames and Leatherhead, identified that 89% of people would welcome the introduction of safe, segregated cycle routes.  Of the people surveyed, 44% of cycle owners and 82% of non-owners identified road safety issues as a deterrent to cycling.  


The relevant Local Committees have formally approved the proposed schemes.