Issue - meetings

Children's Health, Wellbeing and Safeguarding Plan

Meeting: 26/03/2013 - Cabinet (Item 57)

57 Children's Health, Wellbeing and Safeguarding Plan 2013 / 2014 pdf icon PDF 53 KB

The Health and Social Care Act 2012 requires all local areas to have a joint health and wellbeing strategy in place by April 2013.  This strategy will bring together health and wellbeing priorities for both children and adults. 


In order to meet our statutory responsibilities we have developed the Children’s Health and Wellbeing Plan to positively support children and young people’s health and wellbeing and to support the delivery of Surrey’s joint health and wellbeing strategy, which is currently in development.


The Children’s Health, Wellbeing and Safeguarding Plan is a one year plan.  It sets out eight priority areas where we believe we can start to make the most difference in 2013/14 to ensuring that children and young people achieve the best health and wellbeing outcomes possible.  It will act as a tool to engage partners in agreeing common challenges and longer-term priorities that will also inform future health and wellbeing strategies.


Although this is a County Council plan, we believe an integrated approach to social care and health provision is essential to improving the quality and equality of access to services.  We are committed to working with our partners to provide coherent and effective services for children, young people and their families.  In particular, to improve the likelihood of positive health and wellbeing outcomes through informed commissioning with key partners including public health, police and education. 


Our main aim through this plan is to support our children and young people to achieve the best health and wellbeing outcomes possible.


The Children’s Health, Wellbeing and Safeguarding Plan is a one year plan.  After this time it will be replaced by a visionary strategy for children linked to Surrey’s Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.  This will be supported by a partnership 3 -5 year health, wellbeing and safeguarding plan.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Children and Families Select Committee]

Additional documents:


1.       That the approach to supporting Children, Young People and Families’ Health and Wellbeing, as set out in the plan submitted with the report, be approved.


2.       That the publication of the Children’s Health, Wellbeing and Safeguarding plan be agreed. (Annex 1 of the submitted report)


3.       That the Strategic Director for Children, Schools and Families, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children and Families, can sign off any subsequent amendments to the Plan, provided there are no substantive changes.


Reasons for Decisions


To note the plan for positively supporting the health and wellbeing of children, young people and families in Surrey and to agree to delivery.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Children and Families Select Committee]



The Cabinet Member for Children and Families was pleased to present the Children’s Health, Wellbeing and Safeguarding Plan and said it was a one year plan.  After this time it would be replaced by a visionary strategy for children linked to Surrey’s Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and this would be supported by a partnership 3 -5 year health, wellbeing and safeguarding plan.


The Plan set out eight priorities which would make the most difference in 2013/14 to ensure that children and young people achieved the best health and wellbeing outcomes possible. 


Cabinet Members welcomed the report and said that they were committed to working with partners to provide coherent and effective services for children, young people and their families.  In particular, to improve the likelihood of positive health and wellbeing outcomes through informed commissioning with key partners including public health, police and education. 


The Leader of the Council drew attention to the comprehensive and detailed Equalities Impact Assessment (EIA) attached to the report.




1.       That the approach to supporting children, young people and families’ health and wellbeing, as set out in the plan submitted with the report, be approved..


2.       That the publication of the children’s health, wellbeing and safeguarding plan be agreed. (Annex 1 to the submitted report)


3.       That the Strategic Director for Children, Schools and Families, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children and Families, can sign off any subsequent amendments to the Plan provided there are no substantive changes.


Reasons for Decisions


To note the plan for positively supporting the health and wellbeing of children, young people and families in Surrey and to agree to delivery.