Issue - meetings

St John's Hill Railway Bridge

Meeting: 05/12/2012 - Woking Local Committee (Item 61)


[Zena Curry/Maureen Robson]

(Approximate starting time – 7.50pm)


To consider the options and agree a permanent solution for St John’s Hill Road bridge.

Additional documents:


The Local Committee (Woking):


i) Agreed traffic control option 3 (to replace the current traffic signals with permanent traffic signals) and agreed to inform the Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment.



ii) Approved option 3 and:


a) approved the installation of permanent signals as shown on the plan in Annex 3.


b) confirmed that the remaining £30,000 will be funded via a Local Committee budget.


iii) Agreed to give authority to advertise notice of a 13T weight restriction on the bridge, and subject to no objections being maintained, the Order be made.

Where significant objections are received, the Area Team Manager to decide in consultation with the divisional member and the Local Committee Chairman/Vice Chairman whether the Traffic Regulation Order may be confirmed.



To provide a robust permanent solution for the site which reduces the risk of vehicle incursion onto the railway, improves drainage and the quality of the highway surfacing in the vicinity of the bridge.  The weight limit is required as the strength assessment calculations for the bridge indicate that it is not adequate for full highway loading.


Zena Curry and Andrew Milne introduced the report and explained the options available to committee.  Andrew explained that works needs to be carried out on the drainage and the current road surface is in need of remedial work. If the committee were to support option 3 of the report, then the Local Committee could make a £30k contribution from the 2013/14 capital maintenance budget to the scheme to address the drainage and resurfacing work.


The following comments were made:

·         Cllr Kingsbury is supportive of the scheme and the weight restriction and would ask members to support option 3.

·         In response to Mrs Smith it was noted that the scheme had to be implemented in one go to save digging up the road twice.

·         Cllr Forster is aware of some emails against the proposal for traffic lights, and would welcome a wider consultation.

·         It was noted that the works would take approximately 4 weeks, but the road would not be closed for all of this period.

·         Mrs Kemeny, as local County Councillor is aware of the mixed views of some residents, but as the majority of residents are for option 3, then she will support it.  Mrs Kemeny offered to use her 13/14 Community Pride towards the scheme if it was necessary.


By approving option 3, it would provide residents with a robust permanent solution for the site which reduces the risk of vehicle incursion onto the railway, improves drainage and the quality of the highway surfacing in the vicinity of the bridge.  The weight limit is required as the strength assessment calculations for the bridge indicate that it is not adequate for full highway loading.





The Local Committee (Woking):


i) Agreed traffic control option 3 (to replace the current traffic signals with permanent traffic signals) and agreed to inform the Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment.



ii) Approved option 3 and:


a) approved the installation of permanent signals as shown on the plan in Annex 3.


b) confirmed that the remaining £30,000 will be funded via a Local Committee budget.


iii) Agreed to give authority to advertise notice of a 13T weight restriction on the bridge, and subject to no objections being maintained, the Order be made.

Where significant objections are received, the Area Team Manager to decide in consultation with the divisional member and the Local Committee Chairman/Vice Chairman whether the Traffic Regulation Order may be confirmed.