33 Support for Economic Growth PDF 87 KB
This report identifies economic growth as a key priority for the county council, both to secure an increase in the size and value of the economy and to generate employment. Surrey is a large and strong economy with a Gross Value Added (GVA) in excess of £30 billion (2011 actual). Surrey’s very success creates a significant challenge to its global competitiveness because of the way in which investment in critical infrastructure lags behind the need generated by strong growth. Actions proposed in this report promote growth and also address constraints to the global competitiveness of the county. They will benefit both residents and businesses in Surrey. Additional powers and funding, particularly from the Government would significantly enhance the implementation and effectiveness of these proposed actions.
The report is not a list of all the activity to support economic growth within the county and does not seek to provide an answer for every economically related issue. The paper should be seen as a statement of intent rather than as an economic strategy or action plan. Applying the One Team ethos, it recognises the key leadership role of the county council working with district and borough councils, businesses and other public sector partners across Surrey to push forward economic growth.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee]
Additional documents:
1. That the approach to support economic growth, including further exploration of the specific delivery mechanisms detailed, as outlined in paragraphs 12 and 13 of the submitted report be endorsed.
2. That it be agreed to work towards the development of potential deals with Government, in partnership with district and borough councils that wish to take part, with a view to securing greater financial and other powers and freedoms and investment in the county to support growth.
Reason for Decisions
The approach will assist the council in achieving the One County, One Team Corporate Strategy 2012-17 (as endorsed by Cabinet on 31 January 2012 and by full Council on 7 February 2012), which includes a specific priority to make Surrey’s economy strong and competitive. It would support the council in its efforts to secure investment in Surrey, which would, in turn, help maintain the quality of life in the county.
Delivery of the proposed mechanisms will bring benefits to Surrey residents and businesses in terms of improved employment opportunities and funding both for economic infrastructure and public services. It should also enhance the county council’s reputation with the business community.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee]
In the absence of the Deputy Leader, the Cabinet Member for Change and Efficiency introduced the report. She said that the report identified economic growth as a key priority for the county council, both to secure an increase in the size and value of the economy and to generate employment.
The report was not a list of all the activity for the support of economic growth within the county and did not seek to provide an answer for every economically related issue. This report should be seen as a statement of intent rather than as an economic strategy or action plan. Applying the One Team ethos, it recognised the key leadership role of the county council working with district and borough councils, businesses and other public sector partners across Surrey to push forward economic growth.
She highlighted the specific initiatives that the council had already undertaken: (i) targeting 60% of council spend with local SMEs, (ii) support for apprenticeships, (iii) high speed Broadband, (iv) major programme of road schemes, (iv) more meaningful engagement with businesses, (iv) support for Surrey Connects, (v) working with Enterprise M3 and Coast to Capital LEPs.
The Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment said that this report provided examples of the kind of activity that the Council supported and would give residents and businesses a clear sense of its ambitions for further growth. The Council hoped to work with Government Agencies to share premises and make better use of public sector land and property.
Cabinet considered that the report demonstrated the leadership role of the County Council and hoped that both by securing a collective agreement with partners in Surrey about the way forward and through discussions with Government about additional investment, the effectiveness of the Council’s activities could be greatly increased.
Members thanked the Economy Team Manager, Environment and Infrastructure and the Senior Policy Manager, Chief Executives for an excellent report.
1. That the approach to support economic growth, including further exploration of the specific delivery mechanisms detailed, as outlined in paragraphs 12 and 13 of the submitted report be endorsed.
2. That it be agreed to work towards the development of potential deals with Government, in partnership with district and borough councils that wish to take part, with a view to securing greater financial and other powers and freedoms and investment in the county to support growth.
Reason for Decisions
The approach will assist the council in achieving the One County, One Team Corporate Strategy 2012-17 (as endorsed by Cabinet on 31 January 2012 and by full Council on 7 February 2012), which includes a specific priority to make Surrey’s economy strong and competitive. It would support the council in its efforts to secure investment in Surrey, which would, in turn, help maintain the quality of life in the county.
Delivery of the proposed mechanisms will bring benefits to Surrey residents and businesses in terms of improved employment opportunities and funding both for economic infrastructure and public services. It should also ... view the full minutes text for item 33