161 Public Value Review Programme Closing Report PDF 51 KB
To consider the successful completion of the three year Public Value Review Programme which has reviewed all Council services and functions with a view to improving outcomes for Surrey residents and reducing costs. The PVR Programme has delivered a range of performance improvements and supported the implementation of new and innovative ways of delivering services. At the same time it has made a vital contribution to delivering savings, identifying total savings of £279m to be delivered by 2016.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]
Additional documents:
1. That the achievements delivered through the Public Value Review Programme be acknowledged.
2. That officers, Members and other stakeholders who contributed to the PVR Programme be thanked.
3. That the PVR Programme be formally closed and Cabinet Members and Strategic Directors be asked to ensure agreed PVR improvements and savings are delivered and monitored through the Council’s financial, performance and risk management arrangements.
4. That Select Committees continue to play a vital role via monitoring and scrutiny to ensure delivery of PVR improvements and savings.
5. That the PVR Programme Closing Report be published on the Council’s website and circulated widely within and outside of the Council.
Reasons for Decisions:
The PVR Programme Closing Report provides a summary of the benefits the Programme has delivered (and will continue to deliver) for Surrey residents and also describes key lessons learnt over the past three years.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]
The Leader of the Council said that, as part of the Public Value Review (PVR) programme, 29 reviews had taken place with £279m of savings identified, which would be delivered by 2016 and no external consultants had been used in the process.
He also acknowledged the work of the Member Reference Groups and the excellent feedback from them and he stressed that select committees must continue to scrutinise services to ensure that the savings were being delivered.
He also praised the Rapid Improvement Events (RIEs) and said that this work had been recognised by Government. He thanked officers involved with the PVR programme including the Assistant Chief Executive, the Head of Policy and Performance and the Chief Finance Officer.
Other Cabinet Members made the following comments:
· As part of the transformation programme for the PVR in Services for Young People, there had been a reduction in NEETS (Not in Education, Employment or Training)
· A large percentage increase in waste re-cycling
· Huge efficiencies and savings across the Authority
1. That the achievements delivered through the Public Value Review Programme be acknowledged.
2. That officers, Members and other stakeholders who contributed to the PVR Programme be thanked.
3. That the PVR Programme be formally closed and Cabinet Members and Strategic Directors be asked to ensure agreed PVR improvements and savings are delivered and monitored through the Council’s financial, performance and risk management arrangements.
4. That Select Committees continue to play a vital role via monitoring and scrutiny to ensure delivery of PVR improvements and savings.
5. That the PVR Programme Closing Report be published on the Council’s website and circulated widely within and outside of the Council.
Reasons for Decisions
The PVR Programme Closing Report provides a summary of the benefits the Programme has delivered (and will continue to deliver) for Surrey residents and also describes key lessons learnt over the past three years.