East Surrey Maintenance Contract for Schools and other Surrey County Council Properties - annex
Confidential Annex relating to Item 18.
The information contained in this Annex may not be published or circulated beyond this report and will remain sensitive for the length of the contracts.
Exempt: Not for publication under paragraph 3
Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)
That contracts be awarded to Lotus Landscapes Ltd for contracts numbered 2, 5 and 6, at a value, as set out in the submitted report, for 5 years for the provision of Grounds Maintenance at Schools and other Surrey County Council properties to commence on 1 February 2013 and that contracts be awarded to Quadron Services Ltd for contracts numbered 8, 9 and 10, as set out in the submitted report, per annum for 5 years for the provision of Grounds Maintenance at Schools and other Surrey CC Properties to commence on 1 February 2013.
Reason for Decisions
The existing contracts will expire on 31 December 2012. A full tender process, in compliance with the requirement of EU Procurement Legislation and Procurement Standing Orders has been completed, and the recommendations provide best value for money for the Council following a thorough evaluation process.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]
Further to the item considered in Part 1 of the meeting (Minute reference: 172/12), the Cabinet considered the commercial details relating to this contract.
That contracts be awarded to Lotus Landscapes Ltd for contracts numbered 2, 5 and 6, at a value, as set out in the submitted report, for 5 years for the provision of Grounds Maintenance at Schools and other Surrey County Council properties to commence on 1 February 2013 and that contracts be awarded to Quadron Services Ltd for contracts numbered 8, 9 and 10, as set out in the submitted report, per annum for 5 years for the provision of Grounds Maintenance at Schools and other Surrey CC Properties to commence on 1 February 2013.
Reason for Decisions
The existing contracts will expire on 31 December 2012. A full tender process, in compliance with the requirement of EU Procurement Legislation and Procurement Standing Orders has been completed, and the recommendations provide best value for money for the Council following a thorough evaluation process.
To award a fixed price contract to the recommended tenderers for the provision of Grounds Maintenance to Schools and other Surrey County Council properties to commence on 1 February 2013. The report provides details of the procurement process, including the results of the evaluation process, consultation with schools via a ‘buy back’ consultation process and engagement with SCC colleagues in Buildings Group and, in conjunction with the Part 2 Annex, demonstrates why the recommended contract awards delivers best value for money.
Due to the commercial sensitivity involved in the contract award process, the names and financial details of the potential suppliers have been circulated as a Part 2 Annex for Members (Agenda Item 21).
[The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Education Select Committee]
That following consideration of the results of the procurement process, set out in item 21, the award of a contract be agreed on the basis, as set out in the Part 2 Annex.
Reasons for Decisions
The existing contracts will expire on 31 December 2012, a waiver has been agreed by PRG number WR0590 (8/8/12) to extend existing contract arrangements for one month until 31 January 2013 to allow for adequate ‘start up’ processes to be ready. A full tender process, in compliance with the requirement of EU Procurement Legislation and Procurement Standing Orders has been completed, and the recommendations provide best value for money for the Council following a thorough evaluation process.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]
The Cabinet Member for Change and Efficiency presented the report and advised Cabinet that this was a renewal of an existing contract and that the commercial details were set out in a confidential annex (Minute ref: 175/12).
That following consideration of the results of the procurement process, set out in item 21, the award of a contract be agreed on the basis set out in the Part 2 Annex.
Reasons for Decisions
The existing contracts will expire on 31 December 2012, a waiver has been agreed by PRG number WR0590 (8/8/12) to extend existing contract arrangements for one month until 31 January 2013 to allow for adequate ‘start up’ processes to be ready. A full tender process, in compliance with the requirement of EU Procurement Legislation and Procurement Standing Orders has been completed, and the recommendations provide best value for money for the Council following a thorough evaluation process.