Issue - meetings


Meeting: 22/06/2022 - Woking Joint Committee (Item 9)


A funding request has been submitted to install ANPR/CCTV Woodham Hall Estate at a cost of £24,580.80.

This is above the £10,000 limit for the CIL task group, so a decision is needed by the Joint Committee. The application form is attached.

Additional documents:


The Woking Joint Committee agreed that:


(i)    The application submitted by Ward Councillors for Canalside Ward to install an ANPR/CCTV at Woodham Waye Estate does not meet the requirements to approve it agreed by the Joint Committee for the reason given in the report;

(ii)   If Members are minded to support the application contrary to recommendation (i) above, the Strategic Director of Place be authorised to approve payment for the total cost of the project when the works have been undertaken and the invoices have been submitted to the Council. The total cost of the project is estimated at £24,580 and will be drawn from the total CIL income available for community infrastructure project in Canalside Ward, this currently stands at £232,548.


Reasons for decisions:

The application does not meet CIL requirements.


Declarations of Interest: None


Officers Attending: None


Petitions, Public Questions and Statements: None


Member Discussion – key points:

The chairman gave apologies from Ernest Amoako, Planning Policy Manager at Woking Borough Council.


The Chairman invited Cllr Aziz to comment on the application. He acknowledged that the requested CCTV cameras would be installed on a private road but stated the wider area would benefit from the added security they would provide.


Overall, the members were unsupportive. Their concerns included:

·         the lack of evidence of the need for the cameras,

·         the fact they would be used on private land thereby setting a precedent,

·         the relative need of other areas nearby that experienced anti-social behaviour

·         questions over who would own and review the data collected

·         the alternative approach of the local householders simply installing their own CCTV on their property

·         an absence of support from the local police



The Woking Joint Committee agreed that:


(i)    The application submitted by Ward Councillors for Canalside Ward to install an ANPR/CCTV at Woodham Waye Estate does not meet the requirements to approve it agreed by the Joint Committee for the reason given in the report;

(ii)   If Members are minded to support the application contrary to recommendation (i) above, the Strategic Director of Place be authorised to approve payment for the total cost of the project when the works have been undertaken and the invoices have been submitted to the Council. The total cost of the project is estimated at £24,580 and will be drawn from the total CIL income available for community infrastructure project in Canalside Ward, this currently stands at £232,548.


Reasons for decisions:

The application does not meet CIL requirements.