To recommend to the next meeting of the County Council that the Aggregates Recycling Joint Development Plan Document be adopted. The Development Plan Document contains recommended modifications and amendments as recommended by the Inspector following independent public examination.
Please note that the annexes have been circulated to Cabinet Members only. However, they are available in the Members Reading Room and with this report on the Surrey County Council website. Hard copies are available on request.
Additional documents:
Tthat the Cabinet recommend to County Council that the Surrey Minerals and Waste Aggregates Recycling Joint Development Plan Document (incorporating the main modifications recommended by the Inspector and additional modifications and minor amendments) as attached as Annex 2, to the submitted report, be agreed.
Reasons for Decisions
To secure completion of the final element of the Minerals and Waste Plan, fulfilling the associated legal requirements for Local Development Frameworks and comply with the adopted Minerals & Waste Development Scheme legal requirements.
Cabinet Members were advised that the annexes to the report were available in the Members Reading Room and the Cabinet Room. They were also available on the SCC website.
The Surrey Minerals and Waste Plans formed part of the policy framework which had been agreed by the County Council. The Cabinet was requested to recommend to the next meeting of the County Council that the DPD be adopted. The DPD contained modifications and amendments as recommended by the Inspector following independent public examination. The Inspector concluded that the DPD was sound and legally compliant and provided an appropriate basis for the planning of the county over the next 14years.
The Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment highlighted the reasons for the recommendations and stated that the completion of the final element of the Minerals and Waste Plan was a legal requirement. He also drew attention to the main modifications, as set out in paragraph 9 of the submitted report, which the Inspector had endorsed. He also mentioned the proposal to allocate Milton Park Farm, Egham which had the most number of written representations and people attending at the Examination. The Inspector nevertheless found this allocation to be sound. A number of further comments had been received the day before the Cabinet meeting relating to Milton Park Farm from a local organisation and he asked that officers consider if any of the matters raised should be brought back for further consideration by Cabinet prior to the matter being considered by Council.
That the Cabinet recommend to County Council that the Surrey Minerals and Waste Aggregates Recycling Joint Development Plan Document (incorporating the main modifications recommended by the Inspector and additional modifications and minor amendments) as attached as Annex 2, to the submitted report, be adopted.
Reasons for Decisions
To secure completion of the final element of the Minerals and Waste Plan, fulfilling the associated legal requirements for Local Development Frameworks and comply with the adopted Minerals & Waste Development Scheme legal requirements.