Issue - meetings

Proposal for the introduction of a permit scheme under the Traffic Management Act 2004

Meeting: 05/02/2013 - Cabinet (Item 12)


Surrey County Council is committed to reducing congestion and disruption caused by road works.  To assist in achieving this outcome the authority is proposing the introduction of a permit scheme which would provide an improved alternative to regulating and coordinating road works on Surrey’s road network.


This item includes consideration of the report and recommendation of the Utilities Task Group.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by Environment and Transport Select Committee]

Additional documents:


1.       The report and recommendations of the Task Group on Utilities, including support for the introduction of a Permit Scheme, be noted and the response attached as Appendix 5 be agreed.


2.       A Permit Scheme be introduced as set out in the report submitted subject to a successful consultation outcome and a successful application to the Department for Transport (DfT).


3.       Agreement of the details of the Permit Scheme be delegated to the Assistant Director Highways in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment.


Reason for decision

To increase the County Council’s control over road works, enabling increased integration of utility works with those road works promoted by the Council and contribute towards minimising congestion across the whole of the road network in Surrey.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by Environment and Transport Select Committee]


Surrey County Council is committed to reducing congestion and disruption caused by road works. To assist in achieving this outcome the authority will introduce a permit scheme to improve the coordination and scheduling of road works. This greater control will enable increased integration of utility works with those road works promoted by the Council. The permit scheme would contribute to minimising congestion across the whole of the road network and could save the people of Surrey an estimated £6.7m.


Mrs Pat Frost, Lead Spokesperson for the Utilities Task Group, informed the Cabinet of the work which had been undertaken by the group and how this had formed their recommendations, including support for a road works permit scheme. Themes from the report included the need to improve communication, to involve local Members and that the lessons learnt should apply to Surrey’s own planned works as well as those of utilities companies.


The Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment thanked Mrs Frost, Members of the Task Group and officers for the magnificent work which had been carried out. He noted that the Task Group had done a thorough job and consulted widely. The work and report of the Task Group was noted by Cabinet Members as an exemplar of how this type of work could be done in future.


The Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment would be preparing a short report for Surrey MPs on the benefits of the scheme and this would also be raised with the SE7 group of councils to explore the potential for major efficiencies. It was hoped that the scheme would be in place before December 2013.


It was RESOLVED that:


1.       The report and recommendations of the Task Group on Utilities, including support for the introduction of a Permit Scheme, be noted and the response attached as Appendix 5 be agreed.


2.       A Permit Scheme be introduced as set out in the report submitted subject to a successful consultation outcome and a successful application to the Department for Transport (DfT).


3.       Agreement of the details of the Permit Scheme be delegated to the Assistant Director Highways in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment.


Reason for decision

To increase the County Council’s control over road works, enabling increased integration of utility works with those road works promoted by the Council and contribute towards minimising congestion across the whole of the road network in Surrey.