Issue - meetings


Meeting: 29/11/2022 - Cabinet (Item 179)


Additional documents:




1.    That Cabinet note the emerging insights around the rising cost of living in Surrey, and the rapidly evolving national context.


2.    That Cabinet note the potential severity of the evolving situation and the possible impact for local communities, staff and business continuity.


3.    That Cabinet note the financial investment made to date and the council’s intention to continue to support residents, communities and partners through further financial investment where possible, whilst being mindful of the increasing financial pressures on the council.


4.    That Cabinet endorse the developing response to the rising cost of living, both internally and with partners, and the planned mitigations to manage risks to resident welfare, staff wellbeing, and service capacity and continuity.


5.    That Cabinet agree that the council will work with other councils and national organisations such as the LGA and the County Council’s Network to engage with Government on matters of importance relating to cost of living, including to further support provision targeted at vulnerable households to improve thermal insulation and reduce fuel poverty.

Reasons for Decisions:


The rising cost of living has the potential to affect many of Surrey’s residents including, but not limited to, those already experiencing financial hardship. The council’s response to the situation has been designed to support residents and staff, whilst being mindful of the council’s own financial situation. 

(The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee)




The Leader explained that the report outlined work being done to support households facing financial hardship. There had been an increase in the number of people visiting the Citizens Advice Bureau for advice and visiting food banks for support. A number of initiatives were underway to support residents including the introduction of 11 dedicated Community Link Officers (CLOs) deployed across all of Surrey’s districts and boroughs. The CLOs were working hard in relation to helping communities with the current cost of living crisis and supporting the development of Warm Hubs across Surrey which was launched on the 3rd of November. The warm hubs would include a mix of libraries, leisure centres, faith sector and other community buildings. A welfare support line had been set up to provide communications, advice and guidance to residents. This was being supported by the customer services team at the council.


The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Communities and Community Safety stated that she had visited the Merstham warm hub and commented that it was great seeing staff supporting residents. The Cabinet Member for Children and Families commented that she had seen an increase in residents asking for advice and support around the cost of living. From 12 December Staines library would be providing warm drinks for people. The Cabinet Member for Education and Learning explained that free school meal vouchers would be provided for children in Surrey across the Christmas period.




1.    That Cabinet note the emerging insights around the rising cost of living in Surrey, and the rapidly evolving national context.


2.    That Cabinet note the potential severity of the evolving situation and the possible impact for local communities, staff and business continuity.


3.    That Cabinet note the financial investment made to date and the council’s intention to continue to support residents, communities and partners through further financial investment where possible, whilst being mindful of the increasing financial pressures on the council.


4.    That Cabinet endorse the developing response to the rising cost of living, both internally and with partners, and the planned mitigations to manage risks to resident welfare, staff wellbeing, and service capacity and continuity.


5.    That Cabinet agree that the council will work with other councils and national organisations such as the LGA and the County Council’s Network to engage with Government on matters of importance relating to cost of living, including to further support provision targeted at vulnerable households to improve thermal insulation and reduce fuel poverty.

Reasons for Decisions:


The rising cost of living has the potential to affect many of Surrey’s residents including, but not limited to, those already experiencing financial hardship. The council’s response to the situation has been designed to support residents and staff, whilst being mindful of the council’s own financial situation. 

(The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee)