For Audit & Governance Committee Members to consider and provide the Committee’s view on the current proposals of the Constitution Review Group prior to any submission to Council.
Additional documents:
Paul Evans - Director of Law and Governance
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The Director of Law and Governance introduced the report and noted that the feedback from the political groups and the Committee would be captured in a report to July’s Council meeting. The Committee was asked to indicate whether it thought there were any governance issues concerning the proposals and whether there were any areas of general agreement.
2. A Committee member highlighted that she chaired the cross-party Constitution Review Group (CRG) and noted that there had been lively debate and a difference of opinions, she reiterated that the Council would be asked to approve the final proposals. She noted that the standard of Members’ debating, awareness and training was high, and the proposals were small adjustments reflecting the significant change that had occurred since the last review.
3. A Committee member supported the route of approval of the Risk Management Strategy as that would give greater clarity concerning its approval, leading to better governance. He noted that the other nine proposals were all sensible and he could not identify any governance issues, noting that there might be debate on the length of speeches at Council meetings for example.
4. The Director of Law and Governance summarised that the Committee did not think there was anything that would compromise governance or audit, it was supportive of its role in approving the Risk Management Strategy, it noted that a few of the proposals were political and it was sensible that the proposals were being considered by the political groups, and it noted that the process was transparent.
The Audit & Governance Committee considered the proposals of the Constitution Review Group (Annex 1) and provided the Committee’s view on the current proposals.
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