Issue - meetings

Epsom and Ewell and Reigate and Banstead Emergency Response Cover Locations

Meeting: 26/03/2013 - Cabinet (Item 59)

59 Emergency Response Cover Locations: Epsom and Ewell and Reigate and Banstead pdf icon PDF 76 KB

This report details how Surrey Fire and Rescue Authority (SFRA) intend to improve the deployment of fire engines in order to maintain an effective emergency response in accordance with the Public Safety Plan. SFRA will operate a chain of single fire engine fire stations running through the boroughs of Epsom & Ewell and Reigate & Banstead. There will be two new fire stations in Salfords and Burgh Heath and will provide a more efficient use of resources across the county.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities Select Committee]

Additional documents:


That the proposals for the improved deployment of single fire engine fire stations running through the boroughs of Epsom & Ewell and Reigate & Banstead, including the delivery of two new fire stations in Salfords and the Burgh Heath area be approved.


Reasons for Decisions


1.         To mitigate the impact of changes at Horley as a result of the West Sussex Fire and Rescue Authority’s decision to withdraw their fire engine.

2.         To improve the fire engine response coverage in Surrey. This is measured through modelling analysis and performance data.

3.         To improve the fire service provision across Surrey.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities Select Committee]


N.B. Comments from the Communities Select Committee together with the Cabinet response were tabled at the meeting. Appendix 5 and 6 respectively


This report detailed how Surrey Fire and Rescue Authority (SFRA) intend to respond to the removal of the West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service fire engine based at Horley Fire Station and improve the deployment of fire engines in order to maintain an effective emergency response in accordance with the Public Safety Plan. SFRA will operate a chain of single fire engine fire stations running through the boroughs of Epsom & Ewell and Reigate & Banstead. There would be two new fire stations in Salfords and Burgh Heath and a more efficient use of resources across the county.


Comments from the Communities Select Committee together with the Cabinet response were tabled at the meeting (attached to the minutes as Appendix 5 and 6 respectively). Members also noted that the first sentence of paragraph 18 should read 350 and not 330 individual respondents.


Mrs Mason, local Member for Epsom and Ewell West, was invited to speak. She expressed concern about the reduction in provision in the Epsom and Ewell area from two to one pump and said that residents in this area did not consider that the proposals would deliver a better service. She requested that if the proposals were agreed by Cabinet, that the arrangements should be carefully monitored by both Cabinet and the relevant select committee.


The Cabinet Member for Community Safety introduced the report and highlighted the issues relating to the decision of the West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service to relocate their fire engine, based at Horley to Horsham. She did not consider that these proposals, considered today by Cabinet would diminish the fire service provision across the county. She acknowledged local concerns about the provision but said that the County Council needed to take a balanced view.


She also confirmed that there were agreements with London Boroughs to provide cover close to Surrey boundaries and she considered that the cover was resilient. She reiterated that Surrey County Council’s Fire and Rescue Service was a professional and high performing service and contributed to making Surrey a safer place.


She also said that the proposals included building two new fire stations and the location of the Burgh Heath site had not yet been identified.


Finally, she referred to the comprehensive EIA included with the papers and also to the consultation report, which detailed the processes and consultees including all local committees and commended the recommendations to Cabinet.




That the proposals for the improved deployment of single fire engine fire stations running through the boroughs of Epsom & Ewell and Reigate & Banstead, including the delivery of two new fire stations in Salfords and the Burgh Heath area be approved.


Reasons for Decisions


1.         To mitigate the impact of changes at Horley as a result of the West Sussex Fire and Rescue Authority’s decision to withdraw their fire engine.

2.         To improve the fire engine response coverage in Surrey. This is measured through modelling analysis and performance data.

3.         To improve the fire service provision across Surrey.