Issue - meetings


Meeting: 27/06/2023 - Cabinet (Item 98)


Additional documents:




1.    That Cabinet approves capital funding to redevelop Weybridge Library, extending the ground floor and refurbishing the existing building, to create a new multi-service hub. The capital funding required to redevelop the site is commercially sensitive at this time and is set out in the Part 2 report.


2.    That Cabinet approves procurement of appropriate supply chain partners to deliver the design, build and fit out of the new building in accordance with the Council’s Procurement and Contract Standing Orders and Public Contracts Regulation 2015, alongside other related legislation in force at the time.


3.    That Cabinet notes that regarding the procurement of supply chain partners, the Executive Director for Resources and the Director of Land and Property are authorised to award such contracts up to +5% of the budgetary tolerance level.

Reasons for Decisions:


Approving the recommendations set out in this report will result in the following outcomes:

  • Services delivered from the building will be improved, accommodating a wider range of services and facilities for Weybridge residents provided by the Council, public sector and third-party partners.
  • Deliver a new, modern library and cultural provision which meets current and future needs of users and staff.
  • Flexible and integrated public services, co-located in one building, accessible to all members of the community.
  • Optimise and make best use of an existing Council asset.
  • Create potential commercial opportunities and increase Council income from letting/hiring vacant space to third-party groups and partners.
  • Improve the building’s environmental performance, reducing energy use and carbon emissions.


(The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Children, Families, Lifelong Learning & Culture Select Committee)




The report was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Property and Waste who explained that approval was being sought for capital funding to refurbish and extend Weybridge Library, a Surrey County Council owned asset, to create a multi-use service hub delivering a wider range of services and facilities, accessible to all Weybridge residents. The recommended proposal would upgrade the existing building’s facilities, extending the ground floor library space and provide refurbished space for the Council and other third-party partners to deliver additional essential services. The exterior would be upgraded to improve the look of the building and the refurbishment would also reduce energy use and carbon emissions, contributing to the Council’s net zero ambitions. The planning application for the project had been submitted. The Leader as divisional member welcomed the report and stated that the building was a significant size which would allow for a mixture of activities and would be welcomed by the local community. The Deputy Leader stated that around 330,000 residents would benefit from the four libraries. Officers were thanked for getting this report to Cabinet and supporting transformation of the library service.




1.    That Cabinet approves capital funding to redevelop Weybridge Library, extending the ground floor and refurbishing the existing building, to create a new multi-service hub. The capital funding required to redevelop the site is commercially sensitive at this time and is set out in the Part 2 report.


2.    That Cabinet approves procurement of appropriate supply chain partners to deliver the design, build and fit out of the new building in accordance with the Council’s Procurement and Contract Standing Orders and Public Contracts Regulation 2015, alongside other related legislation in force at the time.


3.    That Cabinet notes that regarding the procurement of supply chain partners, the Executive Director for Resources and the Director of Land and Property are authorised to award such contracts up to +5% of the budgetary tolerance level.

Reasons for Decisions:


Approving the recommendations set out in this report will result in the following outcomes:

  • Services delivered from the building will be improved, accommodating a wider range of services and facilities for Weybridge residents provided by the Council, public sector and third-party partners.
  • Deliver a new, modern library and cultural provision which meets current and future needs of users and staff.
  • Flexible and integrated public services, co-located in one building, accessible to all members of the community.
  • Optimise and make best use of an existing Council asset.
  • Create potential commercial opportunities and increase Council income from letting/hiring vacant space to third-party groups and partners.
  • Improve the building’s environmental performance, reducing energy use and carbon emissions.


(The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Children, Families, Lifelong Learning & Culture Select Committee)