This report seeks approval for the appropriation of Council owned land held for education purposes and forming part of the new Mindenhurst Primary School in Deepcut, to become part of the adopted highway.
The land in question was transferred to the Council as part of the new school site and in order to provide an enhanced access arrangement (over that already provided), needs to become part of the highway The land is not considered to be necessary to be retained as part of the operational school site.
The Organisation Strategy sets out the council’s contribution to achieving the aims and ambitions set out in the Community Vision 2030 (the 2030 Vision). This report seeks to facilitate the construction of an enhanced junction access to the new school, creating a safer and better access for pedestrians and cyclists, and giving them priority over motorised traffic, consistent with other approved junction types along the new loop road serving the school. The new access arrangement will promote active travel particularly when accessing the new school. This will help deliver one of the Council’s priority objectives of enabling a greener future.
Additional documents:
The Cabinet Member agreed to appropriation of the Surrey County Council owned land as illustrated in Annexe A of the report from land held for education purposes to public highway upon the adoption of the new Loop Road.