To seek the approval of the modified prioritisation process for the Countywide Integrated Transport Schemes (ITS) programme, established by the Cabinet in February 2022, following a review by the Cross-party member reference group.
The Cabinet Member is also asked to approve the schemes that have been prioritised for delivery, as part of this programme, from 2024/25.
Annex B to follow.
Additional documents:
The Cabinet Member approved:
a. The proposed prioritisation process set out in Annex A of the report;
b. The proposed ITS schemes to be funded from the 2024/25 Countywide Integrated Transport Scheme budget set out in Annex B of the report; and
c. To delegate authority to the Highways Engagement and Commissioning Manager to make any minor amendments to the schemes which may be required to ensure that the schemes are progressed, in consultation with the relevant Divisional Member and where required, the Cabinet Member.