4. Petition: Speed restriction and traffic calming measures South Nutfield PDF 68 KB
One petition has been received requesting Surrey County Council to introduce traffic and speed calming measures in South Nutfield to protect the residents of Nutfield and our community. The petition states that residents have serious and long standing concerns regarding speeding and erratic driving / poor parking in the village of South Nutfield, with particular concern for Kings Cross Lane, near Christ Church, and Mid Street where the local School, Nutfield Church Primary, is located. Residents would like to open up a dialogue with the council to discuss speed calming measures that residents, as a community, collectively know are needed to ensure the safety of the local school children, parishioners and members of the local community. Residents are seeing a continued issue with speeding and dangerous driving / parking throughout the village and there have been a number of near misses with children coming out of Christ Church and from the primary school. Another regular hotspot for accidents and near misses is on the junction of Kings Cross Lane and Kings Mill Lane / Bower Hill Lane.
172 people signed this petition.
The full details and the petition response will be published in a supplementary agenda.
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3. Petition: To improve the Safety of Pedestrians Crossing the A30 Egham Bypass PDF 81 KB
One petition has been received requesting Surrey County Council to to improve the safety of pedestrians crossing the A30 Egham bypass at the end of Hummer Road, Egham, by (i) decreasing the speed limit on the bypass from 50mph to 40mph, (ii) enforcing the limit by operating average speed cameras over the length of the bypass, and (iii) installing a signalised pedestrian-crossing across the bypass, in place of the unregulated crossing, to enable more people to access Runnymede Fields and Pleasure Grounds safely on foot and bicycle.
317 people signed this petition.
The full details and the petition response will be published in a supplementary agenda.
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4. Petition: Mixnams Lane KT16 PDF 103 KB
One petition has been received requesting Surrey County Council to apply The Highways Act X1 1980 to the owners of Mixnams Lane KT16 to make permanent repairs to the road bringing the road to highways standard and include adequate drainage to cope with the regular flooding which causes the road to break up annually to a dangerous state of repair, Causing much damage to vehicles to vehicles due to pot holes under water.
204 people signed this petition.
The full details and the petition response will be published in a supplementary agenda.
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4. Petition: Anti-skid surfacing for Succombs Hill PDF 10 KB
One petition has been received requesting Surrey County Council to Install an anti-skit surface to the top bends of Succumbs Hill, Warlingham.
107 people signed this petition.
The full details and the petition response will be published in a supplementary agenda.
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One petition has been received requesting Surrey County Council to mark a disabled parking space and 4 separate parking spaces for maximum use of 30 minutes outside of 18-20 Buckland Road (Kingswood News).
223 people signed this petition.
Full details and the petition response are attached.
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3. Petition: Please stop the Cranleigh High Street proposed changes PDF 126 KB
One petition has been received requesting Surrey County Council to “stop the proposed redesign of the Cranleigh High Street as it will create increased noise and traffic pollution and will make access to the village materially harder”.
1108 people signed this petition.
Full details and the petition response are attached.
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3. Petition: Stop the closure of the Right turn at the bottom of 7 Hills Road in Cobham PDF 753 KB
One petition has been received requesting Surrey County Council to allow the junction with 7 Hills Road and Byfleet Road to keep its right turn once the M25J10 works are completed.
829 people signed this petition.
Full details and the petition response are attached.
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3. Petition: HGV Ban on Brooklands Road (B374 - Weybridge) PDF 101 KB
One petition has been received requesting the introduction of an 18 ton HGV weight limit on Brooklands Road (B374). The Cabinet Member response will be published within a supplementary agenda.
1227 people signed this petition.
Additional documents:
3. Petition: Ewell Village Traffic Exclusion Zone PDF 68 KB
One petition has been received requesting the withdrawal of proposals to exclude traffic from parts of Ewell High Street, and to maintain the current access for all vehicles. The full wording is attached with the Cabinet Member response.
359 people signed this petition.
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