35 Forward Work Programme PDF 105 KB
The Committee to note the Forward Work Programme.
Additional documents:
Paul Smith, Programme Manager (Pay & Reward)
Key points from the discussion:
1. The Programme Manager introduced the item and provided Members with a verbal update. Members noted that an item to consider details of the Surrey Pay Award was due to be considered at the next meeting in January 2024. Members further noted that an item to consider details on the Pay Reward Programme was due to be considered in March 2024.
2. In regard to senior appointments, a Member raised concern that senior appointments were not considered as part of the budget process for the council. The Member further added that he had previously raised a concern on this and was expecting a response in January 2024. The Chairman noted that the Chief Executive was the Head of Paid Service, therefore responsible for the appointment of senior officers, and that Members were included within the interview panel for senior appointments through either the Appointment Sub-Committee or the People, Performance and Development Committee. The Chairman added that details related to the Members concern had been provided to the Chairman of the Budget Working Group. Following further discussion, the Chairman asked officers to include relevant budget details related to senior appointments within the periodic report on agency workers which was due to be considered by the People, Performance and Development Committee.
3. A Member noted a recent peer review report from the Local Government Association (LGA) which provided suggestions and recommendations on services within the council. The Member asked that a report be considered by committee which provided an overview of any actions put in place to address the LGA recommendations relevant to staffing which was agreed.
Actions/ further information to be provided:
Officers to include relevant budget details related to senior appointments within the periodic report on agency workers which was due to be considered by the People, Performance and Development Committee.
Officers to submit a report to the committee which provides an overview of any actions put in place to address the LGA peer review recommendations relevant to staffing.
The Committee noted the Forward Work Programme.
6. Forward Work Programme PDF 104 KB
The Committee to note the Forward Work Programme.
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